When Opportunity Knocks

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I apologize that this update took such a ridiculously long time but on top of being busy with work, I've had writer's block, and then last week I came down with a cold and was not well enough to write!

I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and thank you for being such supportive and patient readers :)

Killian's POV 

Having to deal with seeing Milah on a daily basis was doing a real number on both mine and Emma's stress levels. Emma's especially, my anxiety was mostly derived from seeing her so troubled.

On top of Emma worrying nonstop that Milah was plotting to make a move on me, the woman was also driving her completely mad for other reasons. Shockingly, Milah turned out to be terrible at teaching. Though from all the info Emma relayed back to me, it didn't seem like teaching was the appropriate term.

Miss. Blue specialized in literature, and being the exceptionally bright lass she was, Emma was in the AP course. She also had the highest average in the class, a reflection of how much she enjoyed the subject. It was her favorite of the main four.

She looked forward to the new reading material assigned each week, if there was one thing my Swan loved, it was getting lost in a good book. But that all changed the second Milah took over Miss. Blue's classroom. Unlike Emma and I, Milah wasn't the bookworm type. She hated all genres of literature, especially the classics, which was what the class mainly read.

She found them extremely dull and outdated. Hence why they were called classics, genius.

When Miss. Blue left, she'd informed her class that for the first month and a half of her absence they would be reading the most famous works of William Shakespeare. But Milah had only been here for two weeks and already they'd finished five of the seven assigned plays.

Emma explained to me that Milah was completely disregarding the very effective system Miss. Blue had put into place. The protocol was to read three chapters in class with the students and then assign them three to read on their own. But instead, Milah was forcing Emma and her peers to read three acts a night and then expect to be quizzed on it the following day.

Instead of being able to read at a pace that allowed her to retain the plot, Emma crammed to get it all read to be able to complete her other homework. She had let it slip out that most nights she was up past two in the morning. Which meant most likely so were all my other students. Those poor kids. Their brains had to be completely fried just like my Swan's was.

I had urged Emma to divulge to her father what was happening. If she explained that Milah was working her and all of the other students ragged I had no doubt he'd put a stop to it by firing her.

And indeed she had taken my advice and done just that. Which resulted in David revealing that three other students had been brave enough to make a complaint against Milah.

So he was fully aware of the problem and desperately trying to rectify it. But unfortunately, there were difficulties finding another available substitute. All of the substitute teachers in the district he'd contacted so far were unable to commit to taking over for Miss. Blue because they already had arranged gigs at other schools.

There weren't too many unemployed teachers wandering around these parts, which I'm guessing was probably why David hadn't give Gold the boot yet either. I knew for a fact plenty of students, and even some of the staff, had made many complaints about him. David had let that slide during one of the many times we played golf together.

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