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Emma's POV

The bell went off and everyone quickly stood up to head to their 3rd period class. I hurried to my locker, and angrily began shoving my books into it. I was still immensely pissed off.

I could not believe Mr. Jones had given me detention on my first day. Not to mention he scolded me like I was a petulant child beforehand. That dude needed to take a chill pill, or 3, because he was one uptight bastard.

What was his deal? I mean, if he was some smelly 60 year old then it'd be understandable why he was so miserable, but he didn't even look 30. Hell, if he lost the scruff, he could pass for 18.

My grumbling was interrupted when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to find the girl who had tried to save me from Mr. Jones' wrath smiling at me.

"Hi, I'm Regina," she greeted. "You're Emma, right?"

"Uh, yeah," I nodded, still annoyed from thinking about Mr. Jackass. "Do you need something?" I asked a littler harsher than I wanted.

"I just wanted to introduce myself, that's all," she shrugged, taken off guard by my unexpected rudeness. "I moved here a couple years back and I know how overwhelming it all can be."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you," I apologized, feeling extremely guilty. Stupid Mr. Jones. "Today has just been pretty crappy so far."

"It's okay. I'd be pretty bitchy too if I'd gotten Jonesed," she smirked. "You should've seen me after he gave me detention for chewing gum in class the other day. I almost put my boyfriend through a wall." We both bursted out into laughter.

"Do a lot of people get Jonesed?" I asked in between giggles. I was truly curious to know if he was this much of an ass to everyone or if I was just getting unwanted special treatment.

"Oh yeah," Regina bopped her head with a roll of the eyes. "All the time. He's a no nonsense kind of guy. You slip up once and you're screwed."

"Yeah, I read the list of classroom rules," I huffed. "He's as much of dick on paper as he is in person."

"He might be a dick, but he's a hot dick with a nice ass," Regina smirked biting her lip. "You can't deny that."

"Yeah, emphasis on the dick part," I snorted. I most certainly could deny it. I wasn't going to hand out any compliments to Mr. Jackass anytime too soon.

"True, very true," she chuckled. "What class do you have next?"

"Um," I began as I dug through my backpack for my class schedule. "French with...Miss. French. Is that a typo?"

"Nope, that's really her last name," Regina shook her head. "I know, it's kind of weird," she laughed when I raised a brow. "I actually have that period too, so I can show you where it is. The maps the office ladies hand out suck."

"Yeah, they do," I agreed, remembering how complicated the layout of it was. "Sure, thanks. So, are there any other teachers who act like they have a stick up there ass like Jones does?"

"Let me see what teachers you have and I'll tell you," she said motioning for my class schedule. I handed it to her and she looked it over. "Well, Miss. Tink, who you had for biology 2nd period, is pretty cool. And Miss. French is one of the nicest teachers here. Mr. Hopper is okay, too. But Gold is more of a dick than Jones. And he teaches math, so that makes him even worse."

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