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Emma's POV

Mr. Jones' light, teasing mood only lasted the first five minutes. The rest of the hour, he acted like his same miserable old self. And as a result, I told him off.

The split second we started being civil towards each other, he began acting like an ass.

I couldn't believe that he was actually enjoyable to be around. And he made me laugh. Why couldn't he act like that all the time?

There was no way this was going to work. There was no way I was going to be able to spend an hour after school everyday with Mr. Jackass. I would end up going mad. If he started acting the way he did in those brief moments, then I'd be able to handle it. But that wasn't going to happen.

I had to talk to Mr. J about finding me a different tutor. If there weren't any students who could do it, surely there was another available teacher. It's not like Mr. Jones was the only history teacher the school had. 

After I got home, I took a long, relaxing shower before popping a Stouffer's macaroni and cheese in the microwave for dinner. Just as I sat down to watch TV, I heard a key turn in the door. Walsh was back. Oh goody.

"Hey, Em," he greeted in his annoyingly chipper voice. I hated when he called me that. I didn't mind when other people used that as a nickname for me, but I couldn't stand when Walsh did it.

"Hi," I said not looking away from the TV.

"You're probably wondering why I'm home so late," he continued, not catching the drift that I wasn't in the mood for chitchat. At least not with him.

"Uh, I guess," I shrugged. Wish you would've stayed longer, I thought.

"I was meeting with some new clients. They hired me to get their proposal approved to bulldoze part of the east woods for a new shopping mall," he boasted cockily. "I present the case to the judge tomorrow afternoon. Isn't that great?"

"Yeah, helping people destroy the home of thousands of animals sounds super fun," I agreed sarcastically.

"Don't go all tree hugger on me," he rolled his eyes.

"You don't have to be a tree hugger to be concerned about the environment," I snapped as I got up and started to leave. I'd definitely come at him with a chainsaw before a tree, though.

"Hey, where are you going?" He wondered cluelessly.

"I have homework to do."

"Isn't that why I'm paying for that new tutor?" He snorted.

"First of all, you're not paying for me to be tutored, it's provided by the school," I informed irritated. "And second of all, I'm only getting tutored for history, so I have to work on homework for all my other classes."

"Oh come on, Em, lighten up," he sighed. "You've been crabby ever since your mom left. What's the problem?"

"You just answered your own question," I huffed.
For a lawyer he could be really stupid.

"Well, you've got me," he pointed out with a chuckle. "I'm not that bad, am I?"

"Good night, Walsh," I muttered annoyed, avoiding his question. I stomped up to my bedroom, quickly shut the door behind me, plopped onto my bed, and covered my face with my pillow before I screamed into it.

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