The Morning After

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I'm so sorry I'm updating so late again! 😞I've had some writer's block and being sick on top of that didn't help. But hopefully you guys like the new chapter! 😊

Killian's POV

The bright light shining through the crack of the curtains hit my eyes at just the right angle to wake me up. I let out a sleepy groan, and stretched out my limbs, which was easier said than done considering they were entangled with Emma's. She stirred a little, clinging to me tighter when she felt the slight movement.

She let out a soft sigh as she nuzzled her face against my chest. I smiled down at the beautiful blonde asleep in my arms, feeling so unbelievably happy. I couldn't remember the last time I had slept so soundly.

My face had been buried in Emma's silky blonde curls all night, not being able to resist breathing in her luscious scent. The smell of her sweat from our loving making mixed with her sweet perfume coaxed me into a peaceful slumber. And the sound of her adorable little snore had a surprisingly calming effect.

Last night had been the best night of my life. I remembered every single detail of it with perfect clarity. Every soft touch, smooth caress, and purposeful thrust.

When I had first began breaking through Emma's wall, I could see it was painful for her by the contorted expression on her face. Seeing her hurting so much had made me want to stop, even after she urged me to keep going. But after awhile, her features changed into something else entirely.

Her eyes began to glow with need and desire, her mouth slightly slagged as she started moaning louder and louder.

It had taken everything in me to remind myself to be gentle with my Swan, like she was a fragile glass figurine, and not pound into her mercilessly. The pleasure I felt being buried deep inside of her was so intense that I was shocked I hadn't come within seconds of entering her. She had been so incredibly tight that it was overwhelming.

All the memorable highlights of last night continued to flood my mind, soon causing arousal to stir in my belly. And the more I fondly recalled how bloody breathtaking Emma was in her pure naked form, or how perfectly her plump breasts fit in my hand, the further south it traveled.

It certainly didn't help matters that I'd woken up with morning glory. Or that Emma suddenly moved her leg over my stomach to hook it around my waist, tugging me impossibly close. I glanced down to see that her eyes were still shut, her snores soon picking up again. Emma had quite the grip for someone who was out like a light.

I knew I was in desperate need of a cold shower to clear my head, amongst other things. I very slowly began sliding out from under Emma's secure grasp. Carefully prying her arms off my torso and lifting her legs away from waist.

I swiftly hopped out of bed when I saw her come rolling back towards me, and placed my pillow where I had been lying. She grabbed it, and held it tightly to her chest.

"Killy," she mumbled sleepily as she rolled over to the other side of the bed with the pillow, giving me a very nice view of her superb ass in the process. My tongue traced the outline of my mouth, wanting to give her soft, toned flesh a nip. I quickly turned on my heel towards the bathroom before I did exactly that.

I shut the door behind me and cranked the shower, chuckling to myself at Emma's use of the nickname she had heard Belle call me. First, Belle encouraged Melody to me call me that, which the little brat happily agreed to when she discovered it drove me nuts, and now Emma. I was never going to be rid of that absurd nickname. But I guess there were worse things.

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