Crush Part 2

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Emma's POV

For the last couple days I could sense Mr. Jones was off. Something seemed to be seriously bothering him. He was beginning to act like his old self, more grouchy and short-tempered. He was perfectly fine last week and now all of a sudden he was totally miserable.

I was worried about him. He wasn't just my teacher or the object of my affections, he was my friend. We became closer with each passing day. At least we had been before his strange behavior started.

Maybe hearing that I'd finally gotten around to listening to Pearl Jam would cheer him up. He'd been bugging me about giving them a shot, claiming they were one of the greatest bands of all time.

I shook my head and smiled at the thought. They were really good, but as usual, he was exaggerating. I waited eagerly for the bell to ring, rapidly tapping my foot.

Mr. Jones looked as handsome as always today. His hair was a perfectly styled disarray and he was wearing a dark blue button up shirt that made his eyes pop.

In these last few days, even with his irritable attitude, my crush for him hadn't subsided in the slightest. In fact, I think it had grown. Regina and Elsa were right, how could anyone not like him?

Elsa had shockingly kept my secret. I hadn't told the others yet about my secret feelings for Mr. Jones. I didn't know if I'd ever feel comfortable enough to.

I didn't want too many people to know, that's how rumors spread. I knew Regina and the other girls would never betray me like that, but still. Better to be safe than sorry.

If anyone found out I had total goo goo eyes for my teacher, I'd be the laughing stock of the school.
That damn bastard. Look at what he was doing to me.

At that moment, the bell rang and I started throwing my stuff into my bag as fast as I could.

"Woah, slow down, Em," Regina said as her and Elsa walked up to me. "Do you have a hot date or something you need to hurry off to?"

"Well, it's not a date, but he is hot," Elsa smirked, knowing exactly what I was up to. "Come along, Gina. Let's leave Emma alone to talk to Mr. Jones. Looks like she'll explode if she doesn't get the chance."

"Well we wouldn't want that, now would we?" Regina teased slyly. "Have fun with Mr. Hot Stuff."

"Oh bite me," I sassed as they left.

Even though Regina wasn't properly informed about my crush on Mr. Jones, it didn't stop her from taunting me just as badly as Elsa.

She had her suspicions, and in Regina's mind, that meant it must be true no matter what anyone said. In this case, it actually was for once. But as of now, she didn't need to know that.

Once everyone left the room, I walked over to Mr. Jones. He was perched behind his desk grading the quizzes we had taken yesterday.

He didn't look up at first, so I quietly cleared my throat. He put his pen down and looked up at me with a heavy sigh. He already seemed annoyed.

"Hey," I smiled weakly. "I listened to a few of Pearl Jam's songs, and you were right. They're amazing. I--"

"Emma, I don't have time for this," he snapped. "I have a lot of papers to grade, and you need to get to your next class."

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