Rude Awakening

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Emma's POV

"Hi, Mr. Nolan," I mumbled nervously, standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"Don't worry, Emma, you're not in trouble," he assured. "Why don't you come in and take a seat?"

"I'm not?" I asked in disbelief, stepping inside and sitting in the cushioned chair by his desk. "Aren't I here because I got detention?"

He was facing away from me behind his desk, finishing typing an email. He hit send and wheeled around to face me. When he looked at me, his mouth fell slightly agape. And his eyes went wide as if he'd seen a ghost. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as he continued to study my face.

"I'm sorry," Principal Nolan apologized, shaking his head to himself as he snapped out of his intense gaze. "You just look like someone I used to know. Anyways, yes, actually that is why you are here. But I didn't call you down to berate you over that. Mr. Jones is one of the best teachers I have, but I know he can be a bit strict at times."

A bit strict? Who was Principal Nolan trying to kid? "Don't take this the wrong way, sir, but that's the biggest understatement I've ever heard."

"I suppose saying he can be extremely strict would be a more accurate description," he chuckled. "And since it's your first day, I'm going to let this little incident slide."

"For real?" I asked hopeful. I hadn't been expecting that.

"Yep, consider today's trip to detention as if it never happened," he nodded. "But that's only for today. Mr. Jones sent me an email a few minutes ago that you have detention tomorrow and Wednesday. I can't help you out of those."

Of course he did. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"That's okay, Mr. Nolan," I assured. "I wasn't expecting you to. I appreciate you giving me a free pass for today's."

"My pleasure, Emma," he smiled. "Your first day I'm sure was stressful enough without having to worry about a trip to dentition showing on your student file. So try to keep from getting a fourth one."

"Yes, sir."

"I looked at your transcripts, so I know you're a very bright girl," he complimented. "You're not like those hoodlums who get detention repeatedly, so don't start acting like one."

His voice had a scolding edge to it. Like when a father reprimanded his child for misbehaving.

"I understand, Principal Nolan," I nodded, feeling a little sheepish now.

"And a word of advice, be on your best behavior with Mr. Jones," he warned. "Or you'll end up having detention every day for the rest of the year. He has zero tolerance for students disrespecting him."

"I've noticed," I let out a weak laugh. "Thank you again."

"No problem. That's all I have to say, so you're free to go. It was very nice to meet you, Emma," he smiled as he stood up and extended his hand towards me.

"You too, sir," I grinned back as I shook his hand. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and headed outside to my bug.

Being on my best behavior around Mr. Jones was easier said than done. I probably would end up having dentition for the rest of the year just like Principal Nolan said. I didn't know how to keep my big mouth shut.

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