Just Want to Be Happy

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Emma's POV

"Nice of you to show up," Ruby teased as I sat down next to her at our lab table. "You're two minutes late. You're lucky Miss. Tink isn't here yet."

"Sorry, I had to ask Mr. Jones a quick question, and we just got talking," I fibbed smoothly , secretly smirking to myself at the thought of us 'talking'.

"Oh, is that all?" She questioned with a sly grin.

"Yes, what else would there be?" I questioned, trying desperately to stop from blushing.

"Just wondered if you finally confessed your undying love for him," she snickered.

"Shut up, Ruby," I grumbled. "It's bad enough I've got Regina and Elsa picking on me nonstop over him, I don't need three of you ganging up on me."

Soon Ashely would join the mix, and then they'd get Robin, Sean, and Will to start driving me nuts, as well. More than they already did, I should say. It was like having three really annoying, yet at the same time lovable, big brothers.

"Oh relax, Em," Ruby rolled her eyes. "No one is ganging up on you. We're just teasing, it's what friends do. I know you're not actually in love with him, it's just a crush."

It might've started out as a crush, but it was a hell of a lot more than that now. But Ruby and the others could never know that. They could never know that I was falling head over heels for our teacher.

"Good morning, class," Miss. Tink's voice suddenly rang through the classroom. "Sorry I'm late. Now, let's get started with the lab. Can someone please help me pass them out?"

Jasmine's hand shot up right away. She was a total teacher's pet. And that was saying a lot coming from me.

"So, are you going to the party Graham and Jefferson are throwing on Friday?" Ruby asked as Miss. Tink and Jasmine handed out the lab.

"I can't, my mom is coming home Friday night," I shook my head. "But I wouldn't want to either," I added annoyed.

"Why not?" Ruby furrowed her brow. I hadn't told her or the others about my run in with them the other day.

That would've led to them finding about Killian's dashing rescue. And my friends needed to know as little as possible about my interactions
with him.

"Aside from the fact I can't stand those two dickheads, I'm not a big party kind of girl," I admitted.

"Fine, I'll let you miss this one since you have a reasonable excuse," she allowed. "But you're definitely going to the next one. You're a teenager. Going to parties is a right of passage."

"Whatever you say, Rubes," I sighed as I wrote my name at the top of the lab.

Unlike all the other teenagers in the world, I wasn't interested in going to parties. Being around a bunch of morons drunk and stoned off their asses didn't appeal to me in the slightest. I'd much rather stay home and sit on the couch while watching Netflix. 

I was lame, and I was okay with that. The same couldn't be said for my friends. They thought I needed to be more social and act like a high schooler. I just nodded my head and went along with it to appease them.

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