Christmas Day - 2016

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2:23PM I'm reading Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance, In the "Africa" chapter, describing his childhood, I seem to recognise my own father in his. It's probably a combination of actual similarity and projecting, but it's an observation I felt deserved noting.

11:41PM It's harder to take the time to write on the good days. The good days don't leave me with an emotional knot that I need to take time to untie. But I realize that to acuratly represent the reality of my life, I have to acknowledge the good as well. That's not to say everything was good. I recall telling mom earlier today, while I was doing dishes so she could cook in a semi sanitary kitchen, that I was most looking forward to waking up on the morning after Christmas when all was said and done. Well at some point Lara came over from dad's house and said dad was coming over to play UNO with us, but neither me or Neil were enthusiastic about the idea. Someone suggested monopoly and we all seemed to agree. While me and mom continued in the kitchen, Lara started distributing the money for monopoly. Mom saw Neil's phone was blinking and told him he had notifications, they turned out to be from dad. The wind had been bad all day, aparently it was bad enough that it was ripping shingles off-of the roofs of 3 of the 4 houses out here. So Neil went to go get the 'scoop tractor' (tractor with front loader attachment) and dad loaded the walkway stones infront of Neil's house into the scoop. Dad poped into Neil's house and asked if I'd help with the roofs, so I dried of my hands and got into the scoop with dad and the stones. Neil drove up to the roof of his house first. We laid the stones where we could see major parts of wind blown shingles, and nailed in the parts that were on the verge of coming wholly undone. Then we went on to do the same with Kari's house and finished by doing the now abandoned tiny house.

Finally we all settled down and started the game of Monopoly. I am mercyless when it comes to Manopoly, which doesn't mean I'm often in a position of power or anything, I only mean that when the opportunity arises to show mercy, I don't take it. I think mercy has no place in board games, the only way to win at manopoly is to cause the other players to lose. Well, I got lucky with a trade with Lara right at the onset of the game, we each had a railroad and one of the brown low-value proporties. I offered her my brown proporty in exchange for her railroad, which she declined. Then I offered her the inverse trade, her brown proporty for my railroad, which she accepted. Dad thought that tricking her into this trade was we goal from the onset, but it wasn't I was thinking she'd accept the initial offer. Happily for me though she didn't and I was able to immediatly put hotels on those two properties before the game had gotten off to a real start. Well, that wasn't enough of an advantage, because Neil absolutly wiped the floor with us all, I came in second and Lara 3rd. Before the game was finished though, right at the moment when Lara was bankrupted, we paused playing to eat food. (mom had to quit playing early to do final prep on the food) The food was great, but not really being in the habbit of regularly scheduled proper meals, I just didn't have the capacity to finish my plate. The table talked was mostly concerned with the fact that we would finish eating to late to go and watch the movie Lara suggested we all go see, "Why Him". We concluded that it wasn't worth rushing the christmas dinner that people had spent hours to prepare in favor of a movie that we can go see on any day. Lara was unsatisfied and didn't hide it, buy she didn't hold the grudge very long, which we'te all glad aovout.

After Neil finally put me out of my misery by alleaving me of most of my manopoly monatary burdens and graciously allowing me to forgeit we moved on to playing UNO, as they originally suggested, which was quite aggo dime.

Then we changed over to "piert swart vark" and we laughed for the rest of the night. After playing "Piets swart vark" for quite some time, looks like 

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