JC Caylen's dirty secret

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My phone buzzed, I got up of the couch to retrieve it from the counter. I sighed when I picked it up and read the message. It was from Tessa again... She wants me to pick her up.... Again. So I grab Connors car keys and drove his car to her house.

I turned off the headlights before pulling up so "he" wouldn't see me. Tessa was already outside and she limped to the car. I jumped out and opened her door so I can help her in. I can't asses her condition yet, but she looks pretty bad.

Tessa- Thank you JC.

Me- Of course.

I sighed as we sped away back to my place. She could barely whisper, I wonder what he did this time. As we arrived I hurried to help her out, as we walked up the drive way she stumbled, almost falling. I picked her up bridal style and carried her up to my room. I set her down on the bed and got the Bathtub running. I grabbed her a few towels and some soap, and put them by the bath. As I walked back into my room. She had curled up in a ball on the bed and started crying.

Me- Come on, it's ok, you will be ok, let's get you cleaned up.

I picked her up again, crossed the hall back to the bathroom and set her on the edge of the tub. I undressed her and dipped her into the water. Tessa being naked was nothing new to me, we slept in the same bed almost every other night. I washed her hair and most of her body. I turned her over in the water and saw her back.

Me- Oh Tessa, what did he do?

Tessa- He used his belt again, but he's never done it this hard.

There were bright red streaks criss crossing her back, some of the worst ones were purple. It was a huge contrast compared to her pale skin. I also saw some scratches, probly created by his nails down her arms and burns mixed them.

Me- How did he give you those burns?

Tessa- With his cigarette.

Me- Oh.

It made me sick to think that he, her boyfriend had done this to her. But she couldn't break up with him, he had threatened her severely. I don't know how he could do this, she is so sweet and beautiful. He doesn't deserve her.

After shes clean I wrapped her in a towel and set her on the counter. I got to work cleaning her wounds. I put medicine and bandages on her back, and cleaned her smaller cuts and burns.

She told me all about it, how he came from the club hammered drunk and sky high. As soon as he walked in the door he started beating her. It made me sick.

I gave Tessa some of my clothes and she climbed into bed with me. We Cuddled super close and I whispered in her ear.

Me- I promise Tessa, nothing bad will ever happen to you here, I will keep you safe.

She snuggled into my chest and fell asleep.

I laid awake and thought of her boyfriend. If his viewers knew the truth, he wouldn't of just hit a million subscribers. He seemed so perfect online, fucking Sawyer Hartman.


Hey guys! I know that the violence this cgapter may have turned some of you off to this story, but keep reading, please?

After the first 2 chapters, thrre really isnt any more voilence. Starting out with a bang right?

Anyway, this story is worth the read, I promise :)

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