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I eyes flitted open and the sunlight pierced my eyes.

Me- Ugggggggghhhhhh

My head was pounding. Hard. I have never felt something like this before, I thought it was going to split open. I couldn't move, my head hurt to bad and my body was sore. I looked around, where am I? Im in an strange bed in a strange room. This place is not me and JCs room. I started to freak out! Where am I?!?!?! I then released I was naked. Oh shit. I pulled the blanket up over my body, rolled over to face the other way and almost screamed.

Sam pepper was laying next to me in the bed. I could tell he was shirtless, but he was covered by a blanket, so I couldn't see anything else. I panicked. Oh my god, what do I do? How did I get here? What do I tell JC? I can't remember anything past seeing Sawyer making out with Acacia Brinley.

I stared at Sams sleeping body, his face was sweet looking, and he looked like a young boy. His lips were slightly parted and his hair was messy.

Should I leave before he wakes up? Yes, that's what I'll do.

I tried climbing out of bed, but I felt an arm grab my waist and pull me back down.

Sam- Good Morning love!

Sam has such a hot British accent.

Me- Sam! I uh, I have to go! Now!

Sam- Oh come on! You don't have to go yet! Stay and cuddle babe!

Me- Sam! I am not your babe, please, I have to go. I have to back JC.....

My voice trailed off but he got the message. He released me and I ran around gathering up my clothes. I left the hotel room as fast as I could.

What now? Trevor! I need to go talk to Trevor! He's like my best friend and I know he won't judge me.

I ran from Sams room on the 2nd floor, to Trevor's on the 4th. I almost beat on the door until he answered.

Trevor- Tessa, What are you doing here? Wait... What happened?

I released how awful I must look.... I was in my dress from last night, my hair must be messy, I must have makeup running down my face, and I was leaning against the door frame because my head hurt so bad.

Me- Oh trevor, I did something awful! You have to help me!

Trevor- Why? What happened? Wait, come in.

He rushed me in to his room.

Me- Who are you sharing a room with?

Trevor- Connor, but he went to sleep with Grace.

Me- As in Daily Grace?

Trevor- Yea, their Kind of a thing.

Me- Oh wow.

Trevor- Anyway, what happened last night?

Me- Well, I got alittle drunk last night.....

Trevor- Me too.

Me- Well ok, I got a little more then drunk

Trevor- Yeah, I noticed. Anyway, go on.

Me- Well JC and I were dancing, then I saw Sawyer making out with Acacia.

Trevor- Acacia Brinley?

Me- Yeah, anyway I got pretty pissed and ran back to the bar. One of the last things I remember is going to dance with Sam Pepper.

Trevor- Okay...

Me- And I woke up this Morning..... In Sam Peppers bed. Naked.

Trevor- Wow.

Me- Yeah, trevor help me! I feel so awful! How could I do that to JC?

Trevor sighed.

Trevor- I don't know Tessa, wow.

Tessa- I just, I don't know. My very first Youtuber party and I get drunk and fuck Sam Pepper.

Trevor- Well, starting out with a bang I guess.

Trevor was laughing and I just stared at him.

Trevor- Oh okay, that was a bad joke. So.... How was it?

Me- How was what?

Trevor- How was sam?

Me- What do you mean?


Me- Ohhh, oh my God he was amazing!

Trevor- I'm sure he was.

Trevor laughed, then winked at me. How is this innocent 15 year old more perverted then me?

I don't find it weird that Trevor wanted to know about how good Sam was, Trevor's bi, and that's cool with me.

Me- So, what do I tell JC?

Trevor- Tell him the truth. Just come clean, he will appreciate it.

Me- But he's going to break up with me!

Trevor- I don't think he will. You guys are in love. Just tell the truth.

Me- Okay, I'll try...

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now