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I woke up a few hours later in me and JCs room. I don't even remember coming back here. The last thing I remember is pushing trevor off me after the kiss

The kiss.

I can't believe trevor got me drunk just to kiss me. Wow. I knew he had a crush on me but I didn't think he would do that.

I went to the kitchen to get some meds for my headache. I definitely had a hangover. I climbed back into bed and fell asleep.

The next time I woke up the sun was setting. My headache was gone so I decided to get up and go to Vidcon. It was Friday night and things really starting in the morning, but the expo hall with be full of Youtube fans.

I go to the bathroom and quickly combed my hair and applied light makeup. Then I put on a pair of skinny jeans and my youtube space LA tank top. Then completed my look with JCs navy blue SnapBack and my black converse.

I rode my penny to the convention center and used my Youtube pass to get into the guest only lounge. I stashed my board and walked out to the expo hall. I just walked through, looking around in awe, I am just as excited to be here as any of the fans! Some guys that looked about 16 approached me and ask for pictures, I smiled and said of course. After that, I saw it. They were plastered all over a booth dedicate to stalking youtubers at Vidcon.

The pictures, me and Trevor kissing. I stared in disbelief and horror. I walked around to the other side of the booth and my stomach dropped even more. There were pictures of me leaving Sam Peppers hotel room. No, no this is not happening! Who took the pictures of me leaving Sams room? I don't remember anyone being there! In the pictures I was an awful mess and it was pretty obvious what we had been doing.

I was standing with my mouth open. To my annoyance there is a small group of people gathering around me and the booth. They are looking between me and the pictures.

Me- Um... It's not what it looks like!

But no one was listening. More people are gathering and people are whispering and pointing. I was going bright red, and I stared sweating. What do I do?

This is now a major deal and a few hundred people are gathering around me and the booth, with the pictures. The whispering turned into loud talking and some girl in the front yelled "Whore!"

There were tears in my eyes, I looked for a place to escape, I couldn't find one.

Out of nowhere Craig Dillon burst through the crowd and grabbed my hand. He pulled me back through and suddenly we were running through the expo hall.

I was blinded by tears But I could tell people were staring at me. Craig still has my hand and he lead me down a back hallway and into a small room.

I looked around, there was a small couch and a dressing table with lights and a mini fridge, there was the youtube logo placed everywhere.

Me- Where are we?

Craig- Um, Jack and Finns dressing room.

Me- What!?!?! As in... Jacksgap?!?!?

Craig- Up! There actually pretty good friends of mine. Anyway..... What the hell is going on?

Craig is my best friend, we talk and Skype all the time. But Craig lives in England, so we hardly see each other. But he knows everything about me, so I come clean about everything. I told him about getting drunk and sleeping with Sam, of course I was a mistake, and about slapping JC, which by now I really regret. And about how I confided in trevor, only to become drunk yet again and have trevor kiss me.

Me- Craig! What do I do? It was all a huge mistake and I love JC so much!

By now we were sitting on jack and Finns couch facing each other, Craig took my hand in a comforting kind of way. I completely trusted him. It felt good to come clean to someone who had no strings attached to anyone.

Craig- I don't know. Does JC know yet?
Me- Well, he does now that those pictures are out! I mean, who took those pictures of me leaving Sams room?

Craig- Well, fans can get alittle crazy.

Me- Yeah, I noticed.

Suddenly the door to the dressing room opened and Jack and Finn Harries walk in. I am starstruck. They are just as perfect in real life as behind as camera. They looked very shocked to find us in there room.

Jack- Oh! Craig, um hi.

Craig- Um hey guys! Sorry about this, um there was just a lot of crazy in the expo hall, I hope you dont mind...

Finn- No, of course not!

Finn smiled at me.

Finn- So, who's this?

Craig- Oh! This is Tessa!

Finn- Hey....

Finn winked at me, I blushed, there was no denying, he's really hot. But I am such a mess as it is, I can't even think about Finn. Wow, I'm a mess!

Me- Wow, it was really nice meeting you guys, but I have to go uh... fix some things. But I really hope to catch up later!

They all wave at me and leave the room, and head back to the expo hall. But first head into the guest only lounge, Tyler and Connor were chilling on a sofa.

Connor had on a hoodie, and I had a plan.

Tyler- Hey Tessa, I haven't seen you all day!

Tessa- Yeah, hi guys, hey connor can I borrow your hoodie?

Connor- Yeah of course, are you okay? Have you seen Sawyer?

Me- No not yet, and I hope to keep it that way.

As soon as connor gave me his jacket I made up some stupid excuse to get away. I put the jacket on and pulled up the hood so people wouldn't recognize me as I hurry through the booths in the hall.

As I pause to look around for the exit a pair of large, strong arms wrapped around my waist and pull me close.

I squirmed in shock, the guy turned me around and pulled my into a fast kiss.

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now