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As soon as Jc got off the phone with Sam we were on our way.

I sat fidgeting in my seat.

Jc- are you ok?

Me- I don't know. I'm a little nervous I guess.

Jc- You know sam. Your not nervous about him are you?

Me- No, no of course not. Its just...

Jc- Oh come on, what is it? You can tell me anything.

Me- I know. I am just worried about Sam's safety. I'm worried about all of you guys, especially in the o2l house.

Jc- I know. It will be fine. Were okay. We would all do anything to protect you. Especially me.

I thought about that. It made me feel so good.

Me- I love you Jc Caylen.


We soon pulled up to Sams apartment in a West Hollywood suburb. I have always loved Sam's place! Sam opened the door and greeted us.

Sam- Hey Tessa!

He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug. He released me a little and lifted up my face so I was looking him in the eyes.

Sam- Are you alright?

Me- Yes.

Sam- Okay, good

I could tell sam didn't believe me. He has a hard badboy outer shell but on the inside he is super sensitive and sweet. He's always been the best at reading my emotions.

That night Jc had to film his weekly o2l video so sam ask me if I wanted to go pennyboarding with him. Of course I said yes! I live for pennyboarding.

I love my board. It's black and floral on the bottom, its got skeletons everywhere on it. Totally bad ass!

Together we headed downtown. As were skating down the sidewalk looking for an ice cream shop I was starting to feel uneasy. I was looking everywhere, watching for sawyer.

We quickly found an frozen yogurt place and went inside. I felt a lot safer in the lighted building. We got our froyo and sat down at the bar. We both got vanilla with brownie bites and Carmel.

Sam- so, are you excited for your first Vidcon?

Me- yes! I can't wait!

I was so excited! With everything that's been happening I couldn't believe we would be leaving for Vidcon in 3 days! But I was also extremely worried. There is no way of avoiding Sawyer at Vidcon. What am I going to do? I shared my worries with sam. He agreed.

Sam- I don't know Tessa, what events are you doing?

Me- I have a meet and greet in the same hall as sawyer, and I am doing a panel with Lisbug, Andrea russet, zoella and Niomi, Murcus Butlers girlfriend.

Sam- Hmm, thats a weird mix what's the panel about?

Me- What it's like to be dating famous internet guys.

Sam- Oh, that sucks

Me- Yea, I am going to have be all lovey with sawyer all weeked long. What am I going to do?

Sam- Don't worry we will figure it out.

Then Sam did something unexpected, he reached over and kissed my forehead.

It made me feel really good. Alittle to good. Yes, I admit sam is really good looking. But I am with Jc. I am with Jc. I couldn't possibly be attracted to Sam. I AM WITH JC.

All these thoughts kept running through my head. But I just smiled at Sam.

Me- Thank you sam.


As we were walking out the door of the froyo place my heart stopped.


Sawyer- well, well, well Tessa

Me- Hi Sawyer

Sawyer- So you left after I deliberately told you not to.

Me- Sawyer you don't control me! I... I... I'm breaking up with you.

Sawyer- Oh? And you think you can make that decision.

Me- Yes! Sawyer we are over!

I have no idea where that burst of confidence came from but it felt good. Sam came and wrapped his arms protectively around my waist.

Sam- I think it's time for us to go Tessa

Sam started to pull me away

Sawyer- Where do you think your going with my girlfriend pottorff!

Sam- Didn't you hear her sawyer, she's not your girlfriend.

Sawyer- Oh we're not over! now let go of her so we can go home.

Sawyer started to reach for me.

Me- No!

I jerked away from Sawyer and Sam and started running. I don't know why I just didn't know what to do. I grabbed my pennyboard from the curb and took off. I could hear scuffling behind me and I turned around to see Sawyer being hit in the face by Sam. Go Sam!

I was heading back to Sams place. Back to Jc. I soon heard Sam following behind me on his pennyboard. I was lost in thought about what just happened, when I must have hit a rock and I went flying off my board and into the grass. It happened to quick for sam to stop, so hitting my board caused him to also fly off and land on top of me. Completely nocking the wind out of me.

Sam rolled off me and we just layed there, laughing. It felt good.

Sam- I am so sorry, are you okay?

Me- yea, im just fine.

I laughed again.

Me- So, what happened back there? I saw you get a good punch in.

Sam- Yea, I don't think he'll be bothering us anytime soon.

Me- Well... what did you do

Sam- Um, well I punched him in the face then kicked him the nuts, then when he rolled over I kicked him a few times. He should be sore in the morning.

Me- Wow. Thank you sam. I feel so safe around you.

Then he put his arm around me as we were still laying in the ground.

Sam- I love you Tessa and I would do anything for you.

Sam then rolled really close and kissed me. This time full on the mouth. I was surprised at first, but it felt so good, I quickly deepened the kiss. That was a mistake.

I realized what I was doing and jumped up.

Me- Sam, I , I , can't do this!

I then ran back to my board and took off.

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now