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Sawyer and I drove in silence. I was terrified. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

Silent tears rolled down my face.

I could feel the wetness of JC's blood on my shirt, I could smell it too. The combination made me want to throw up and pass out at the same time.

I just want to be back in JC's arms. He always protects me. Now what?

When we got back to Sawyers place he spoke the first words.

Sawyer- Change. Now.

I didn't move,  I was petrified.

Sawyer- Go!

I hurriedly ran up the stairs to our room and changed into some of my clothes. Sawyer soon came up.

Sawyer- I want to film a collab.

Me- Ok, what collab?

I was trying to act normal, but my stomach kept twisting into knots.

Sawyer- The tin can challenge

I didn't see how this could be bad.

I was wrong.


The whole video we acted normal, funny, goofy and affectionate. But every time we touched I want to run. Run straight to JC Caylen.

The camera couldn't see but Sawyer and I picked from 2 different bowls. His with everything good, mine had everything bad.

Sawyer enjoyed canned fruit and pie filling while I had to suffer through canned peppers, sardines and even dog food. It was so degrading and disgusting.

After we finished the video sawyer announced he was leaving and for me to be good when he was gone. I felt like a dog.

As soon as sawyer pulled out of the driveway I picked up my phone and called JC.

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now