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Hours later JC and I fell onto our bed, completely exhausted.

JC- Wow, hell of a day huh?

Me- Yup. Hell.

JC- I'm really proud of you

I sat up and looked at him, really surprised.

Me- You are? Isn't this just going to cause us more problems! With Sawyer and your overly obsessed fangirls!?!?

JC- Well, I guess in a way but I really want to be honest with everyone, especially our viewers. They mean the world to me.

I smiled at him, JC is the sweetest guy I've ever met.

I crawled closer to him and jumped on his chest playfully. He laughed and I entangled him in a kiss.

Just then there was a knock on our door

JC- No! Not this bullshit again!

I laughed at him and jumped off the bed to answer the door, it was Tyler.

Tyler- Ahhhhh Tessa I'm so proud of you!!!

Tyler nearly knocked me over in a tackle bear hug

Tyler- Anyway, a bunch of us are going out to dinner tonight then hanging in my room, care to join?

Me- Of course!

Tyler- Cool, be ready in 30!

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now