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I awoke in the morning with my head pounding uncontrollably. I groaned and pushed myself off my bed. I can't remember last night at all, but Im pretty sure it was bad because Tessa's not in bed with me. I can't remember past the club.

Tessa probably ran off to that fucker Caylen. The little slut. I knew she would be back, but I felt like going to get her...

I climbed into my bright yellow sports car and sped to the O2L house.

I pulled up to the mansion and walked to the huge door. I beat on the door to express my anger. How could Tessa run off with him? She's mine. and only mine. Suddenly the door opened. It was Dillon.

Ricky- Oh, uh, hi Sawyer

Me- Cut the shit dillon. Where's my girlfriend?

Ricky- Um, I... don't know...

Me- *With a horrible impression of Ricky's lysp* Wwwwwhat was that retard! Wheres Caylen and the slut.

Ricky- Um I.....JC!

Caylen came running down the stairs to the door.

Me- Where's my girl you little fucker?

JC- She's not yours. She was never yours you bastard.

I could see the rage in Caylen's face and it pleased me.

Sawyer- Well, someone's a little brave. Just give me Tessa and no one gets hurt.

JC- Yeah, no one exept her. How can you do that? She's so sweet. And she dosnt love you! She loves me!

Well that had done it.... I lunged at Caylen through the doorway an he was knocked backward to the ground.
I had pinned him and I got my first punch in, it connected with his nose. blood spattered my fist but I did care I just wanted to kill him here and now.

Suddenly 2 other guys were trying to pull me off. They were unsecsesful so a third came to help. They finally pulled me back and all 3 (I later learned it was Franta, lawley, and dillon) had to hold me back. I was fighting and fighting against them, until I saw Tessa looking horrified watching from the top of the stairs.

Me- Tessa! Let's go

Conner- No Tessa! don't listen.

JC- Run Tessa!

Caylen was fighting to speak through a flow of blood coming fron his nose and mouth.

Me- Tessa, come on let's go home.

I had finally freed myself, I looked at Tessa with pleading eyes

Me- Come on babe! I am so sorry about last night. You know i didn't mean any of it. I love you do much! Please!

Tessa looked frightened.

Jc- No, Tessa don't listen! I love you and you belong here!

Me- Please, I love you babe.

Tessa walked towards me.

Me- That's right.

I enveloped her in my arms, my hands were still covered in blood.

JC- No! Tessa, you know it's not true! you know he doesn't love you, he lies.

She paused to listen to him, but I grabbed her arm and yanked her out.

I opened the car door and shoved her in.

My hands were still covered in Caylen's blood, so I wiped then all over her front.

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now