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The rest of the night was really good, we went back to our room and cuddled in bed while watching TV.    

The next morning when we woke up, Vidcon was in full swing.

It was like 7 in the morning, so I got up and jumped in the shower.    

When I got out JC was just getting up.

Jc: Hey I dont feel like going out this morning, want to order room service?

Me: Yeah sure, get me some choclaye chip pancakes!

JC chuckled.

Jc: You are such a child.

I walked over to suitcase and pulled out a white tanktop with the Youtube play button on it and black skinny jeans.

I changed and dried my hair, then straightened it. I applied light makeup, then completed my look with black converse and a black snapback with "DOPE" written on it in white.

Just as JC was done getting ready, our food arrived. I had pancakes and he had french toast.                    

We checked our apperence in the mirror as we left.

I must say he looks amazing. He was wearing a dark blue tank top with a dream catcher on it and black skinny jeans. He also had his signature beenie, this time in black.


We both grabbed our penny boards and headed out.

We rode across the street to the convention.

Thats when it really hit me.

There was an enormous mass if like 500 teenage girls that had been in line waiting for the expo hall to open.

And like 100 of them are now chasing us.

JC: Holy fuck!

Me: Speed up! Now!

This is insane and awesome! 

All the girls were running and screaming and chasing after our boards.

Then security started running up to me and jc. They stopped us and the fans circled everything.

JC and I are just looking at eachother And laughing. For some reason this is crazy and hilarious to us.

Security is looking at us like were insane.

There are around 10 security guards, most of them are trying to break through the wall of teenage girls.

When they finally broke through, JC and I were escorted into one of the secret entrences of the convention.

We headed down a hallway and entered the Youtubers only lounge.

I looked around and smiled at all my friends. Tyler, Connor, Troye, Mazzi Maz, Kian, Anthony, Shane, Lisa and so many more!

I really am at home here.


Hey guys! sorry this chapter is so short, I just needed a transition!

so, are you team JC or team Sam? comment below!

and im writting rhe next chapter in Joey Graceffas point of veiw!

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