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We were quiet on the ride back to our hotel.

I have no idea what to think. Tessa cheated on me. Twice. I know that she was really drunk when she slept with Sam but it was still cheating. I'm really mad at her, but at the same time I know shes really messed up in the head right now, with everything that's happened with Sawyer. I love Tessa so much it hurts. My life would be nothing without her.

Tessa- JC...

Me- Yeah?

Tessa- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of it! I swear! I don't even remember what happened at the party and Trevor kissed me! I didn't kiss him, I tried to push him off me! Really! You have to believe me JC, I love you so much...

I thought about that for a minute, I know Trevor has a crush on Tessa, but so do like a million other guys who watch her Youtube videos.

JC- Okay Tessa. I forgive you.

I sighed as I said that, she could tell.

We were quiet for a little while longer, then she spoke up

Tessa- But JC...

Me- Yes?

Tessa- Do you still love me?

I thought about that. Of course I do, how could I not. But I was really mad still, but I also forgave her, and I just want to move on.

We pulled into the parking lot of our hotel. I parked the car and stopped the engine. I turned in my seat to face her.

Me- Tessa I will never stop loving you.


Hey guys! Sorry about the short chapter! I just don't really like writing in JCs POV.

But you should really check out my new fanfic "A love worth fighting for" about Sam Pottorff!

Thank you for 3K reads! That's huge!

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