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JC is so sweet! I absolutely love the suitcase and backpack he bought me!

We ate dinner then spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch watching Netflix. As Sam walked up the stairs to bed he looked at me and JC on the couch. Are eyes met. He gave me the saddest look I have ever seen, I got butterfly's in my stomach as he broke the gaze and hurried upstairs.

Oh my god, am I starting to have feelings for him?


The next day I started packing. I put everything we had bought into my new suitcase. I put my video camera, my lap top, and my wallet in my backpack and tucked my penny board under my arm. I'm ready!

JC and I left in his car that afternoon, Sam is driving separately, thank God! I don't now what to do... I am just so confused. The situation with JC and sawyer is complicated enough, now add my maybe feelings for Sam and wow. I am so excited for Vidcon. But I feel like I am making a huge mistake...


The drive from LA to the convention was about 45 minutes. We just chilled and listened to music. It was really relaxing.

We pulled up to the hotel and I almost ran up to the front desk. JC was laughing.

JC- Hey! watch out, don't hit anyone!

We laughed as JC checked in. There was already a group of fangirls waiting in the lobby that had starting screaming as JC came in.

Fangirls- Oh my God it's JC Caylen!!!!

JC- Hey guys what's up!!???

JC spent about 15 minuets meeting and taking pictures with his fans. It was so cute how JC really loves them. Then a girl came over to me who looked about 12.

Girl- Are you Tessa Turner?

Me- Yeah I am!

I smiled, it was great to recognized by fans!

Girl- I don't think you should be dating Sawyer! I mean your way to ugly and Soy Sauce is my man, so back off! And like what are you doing with JC Caylen? Like he is way to hot for you, and like we're going to tell Sawyer.

I just stood there, shocked for a moment. Trying to register what this girl has said. She hates me, and so do probly more then 1/2 the girls here.

Wow, I mean I am pretty used to getting hate on both mine and Sawyers channel just because were dating, but I have never had someone hate on me in person. It was pretty shocking.

Me- Umm I... I...

JC- Um we're just friends and I really don't appreciate my friends being hating on. If your going to hate on my friends, your obviously not a real fan of mine.

The girl just stood there in complete shock with a look of horror and terror on her face. Quickly she turned around and practically sprinted out of the hotel. Everyone was silent for a moment, then there was a flood of girls who all wanted selfies with me. I knew they just did it for JC, but it still made me feel loved!

After like 20 more minutes of greeting fans we got in the elevator that took us to the 6th floor, and our room. When we walked in the room, I looked around

Me- Wow, this is really nice!

JC- Yeah, I love it!

The room was very modern with a little couch and kitchen, flat screen tv and a large bed.

JC- So... That bed looks pretty inviting, dosnt it.

He winked at me. I got butterfly's in my stomach. I really have to push sam out of my mind, JC is the one! I love him so much! I walked towards him and kissed his soft lips. He was so warm and smelled so good as he enveloped me in a hug. Then there was a loud pounding on the door.

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now