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I am mad. So mad. How can Tessa just get drunk, then leave with Sam Pepper?

But I'm also guilty. I didn't know what to do. I was just so mad that I grabbed the one girl that would fuck me and make Tessa jealous. Jenn.

Yes, Jennxpenn. Me and Jenn have been shipped so much, and it hurts Tessa, a lot. But I understand, it hurts when people ship her and Sawyer. But anyway I grabbed Jenn and got us a few drinks. Then we started dancing, and later went back to my room.

I am just as guilty as Tessa. Uggggg why did I have do that?


Later there was a knock on our hotel room. I opened the door. It's Tessa.

Tessa- Um, hey JC.

Me- Uh, hi.

Tessa- Look, JC I am so sorry! I didn't mean it! I... I... I love you so much!

Me- I love you too Tessa! But im sorry, I did something awful too.

Tessa looked confused.

Tessa- What happened?

JC- I... I... I was so mad at you that I slept with another girl. I am really sorry.

Tessa- What? Wait, who?

I sighed, I knew she would be so pissed.

Me- It was Jenn.

Tessa- Wait, as in jennxpenn?

Me- Uh, yeah. But I swear it didn't mean anything! I love you, not Jenn!

Tessa started crying and I felt so bad.

Me- Tessa... Don't, please it didn't mean anything, I love you, I am so sorry.

Just then Tessa got this angry look in her eyes. I knew that look, it's never good. And I was right.

Tessa reached up and slapped me across the face with lightning speeds.

Then she bolted out the door.

I didn't follow her. I was complete shock. I can't believe she did that. It really hurt too. I knew it would leave a bruise.

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now