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I sat and listened to Tessa tell me everything. I always listen, I'm good at that. I secretly use the information I gather against people later.

I have always secretly had a crush on Tessa. But I think she knows about it. I don't know. But it really hurts when I have to sit here and listen to her complain about these guys when she really just needs to be with me. It might be a little evil, but I need to break up Tessa and JC. Tessa needs a guy that would never cheat on her with Jenn. That's right, I knew, but I kept it a secret. It's better she heard it from him.

Then there was a knock on my door. I went to open it, not to my surprise it was Tessa. And she was crying.

Tessa- Trevor! How could he do this to me!?!?!?

She ran and hugged me. I hugged her back and held her to my chest.

Me- What happened?

Tessa- JC! JC happened.

Me- What do you mean? What exactly happened?

Tessa- JC cheated on me with Jenn. I mean, I know I cheated with Sam Pepper but I was drunk and didn't know. JC knew exactly what he was doing.

Me- I know love, it's ok, I know it hurts. But let's watch a movie to take your mind off it.

Tessa said okay so I led her in the room and to my bed. Thank God Connor is still off with Grace! I turned on the tv then went to the little kitchen to find snacks. I went through the mini fridge and found some cookies. I also found Connors full bottle of vodka. I smiled and carried them back to the bed.

I handed her the cookies and took the top off the vodka. I took a swig and it burned as it went down. But the good kind of burn, I kept a straight face as it rushed down my throat. Tessa looked at me with concern.

Tessa- Trevor, are you sure you should be drinking that? Your only 15, and that's hard liquor.

Me- Tessa, love. Don't snooty about it. I'm a big boy, I can handle myself.

I handed her the bottle.

Me- Here, have some, it'll take your mind off things.

Tessa sighed then grabbed the bottle from me. She opened it and took a huge mouthful. She swallowed then started choking and coughing.

Me- Wow, that was a lot are you okay?

Tessa started laughing

Tessa- Yeah, I'm fine that was just a little much


For the next hour we sat and watched tv while we finished the vodka, Tessa drank most of it and was pretty drunk. She stood up and staggered to the door.

Me- Where are you going?

Tessa- I... I.. Have to go! Back to JC!

Me- No! No you don't! JC will hurt you again! Just like last time! I won't hurt you Tessa! I swear you should be with me, not him!

Tessa looked shocked, she was silent for moment, since she was really drunk it took her a minute to register what I said.

Then she ran out the door.

I followed.

Me- Tessa! Wait! Don't go! Please! I love you!

She wasn't very fast and I caught up to her by the elevators

Tessa- Trevor, I'm sorry. I love JC and I just can't be with you. I have to go.

She was still slurring her words and she leaned against the wall for support.

I don't what came over me but just as the elevator doors opened I shoved Tessa against the wall and kissed her. She kissed back for a moment before pushing me away.

Tessa- Trevor no!

And just my luck the elevator had been full of fangirls with there cameras.

Girls started screaming!

Girl- Trevor what are doing! She's with Sawyer Hartman!

Other girl- No! She's with JC caylen!

Another girl- But her and trevor look so cute!

Other girl- Yeah, but look at the age difference!

Girl- Tessa, what's going on!

Tessa- I... I.. Don't know

There were about 10 girls gathered around us. They all had there phones out and were snapping pictures or recording.

This is a disaster! I don't know what to do!

Tessa- I have to go trevor, see you around.

Tessa had a slur and stumbled to the elevator.

Girl- Tessa, are you drunk? Your only 19!

Other girl- Are you drunk too Trevor?

Tessa had already left and I tried to control the situation.

Me- Um, of course not ladies, who wants pictures?

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now