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*Back at the hospital*

Me- Um hey Sawyer, could you get me a cup of coffee? Maybe it would help my head?

Sawyer gave me cold look, but agreed and left the room. Now it was just me in bed, and my docter.

Doctor- So are you sure your alright?

Me- Um yeah, yeah ill be okay. Im so clumsy!

Doctor- Um, yeah. So if you feel nausea or dizziness of anything like that do not hesitate to come back. Okay?

Me- of course doctor.

He turned to leave.

Me- Actually!...

Dooctor- Yes?

Me- C-could you tell me the date?

Doctor- Certainly, its March 12th

I frowned

Doctor- Is everthing alright?

Me- But... August...

The doctor froze, are... are you under the impression its August? Because in that case... well, its not serious but.. I should know.

Me- I just dont understand...

Doctor- What is it?

I feebly explained that I had lived my life perfectly fine for the last 5 months, then died, then woke up this morning. Everything the way it was 5 months before.

Im pretty sure I did a horrible job explaining, and the doctor must think im absolutely mad.

When I finished my rambling he gave me an apraising, almost pittying look.

Doctor- What your explaining to me sounds like an elaborate hallucination, brought on by your head injury.

Me- but-but it was SO real, and time was-was completely fine.

The doctor gave a small smile

Docter- Its quite amazing what out minds can create isnt it?

No, I dont believe it. I didnt make it up. I couldnt have. It was real. It is real. JC and I, WE are real.

I started shaking.

Me- But, I died... and everything. It happened Im dead!

Doctor- Your not dead. Your very much alive.

Me- But why...

Doctor- You were waking up. You were coming back to reality. Your mind had to deal with that. And thats what it came up with.



Okay so if you didnt get the ending its basically the doctor telling her her she dreamed it all. Yup, thats right. She made it all up in order to cope with Sawyers abuse.

Authors note-

Okay. Its done. Its over. Wow, cant believe im saying that.

This ending is long overdue, but I just could think of anything to give the story justice.

So, im just going to leave it here.

I hope you all enjoyed it!

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now