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My phone rang and I picked it up

Me- What do you want Tessa?

Tessa- I... I.... I need you to pick me up

I sighed. Same thing every night, when will this end? Especially with what happened just this morning!

Me- I don't know...

Tessa- Please jC! I... I need help. This is hell and I just want to be with you. Help me escape this place! Please!

That changed my mind right away!

Me- Alright! I'll be right there!

I quickly hung up and took off out the door to my car.

God I don't know what to do! I want to be with Tessa so badly! But as soon as she's gone, Sawyer will know where she is. Hmmmmm maybe we should go somewhere random for like a week or something so some of this can blow over. I thought about places and finally settled with Sams house. Sawyer dosnt know Sam or where he lives, and Sam and I are like brothers.

Right now Sam lives on his own. He's  planning to move in to the O2L house in a few months, but he just turned 18, he is still one of the youngest members.

When I pulled up to Sawyers place Tessa was waiting outside with a small backpack and her penny board. I ran over to help her in the car. She winced when her back hit the seat, but other then that she seems fine.

Me- So, do you want to to stay with Sam for like a week?

I randomly said this as we pulled out into LA traffic.

Tessa- Um yeah I guess. Why?

Me- Just for a little while so maybe Sawyer won't be so mad when we get back.

Tessa- Yeah, okay. Sam's place sounds good. Your going to stay too, right JC?

Me- Of course I am! I completely trust you, but sam will fuck any thing with a skirt. So, yeah. Im coming. 

Tessa laughed, she knows it's true. I love her laugh. I love everything about her, her eyes, her smile, the way she says my name.

I think I'm in love.


Hey guys! sorry this is a little short, but get ready for MAJOR drama in the next chapter! That's so much for the 150 reads! Blows my mind!

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now