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The party had already started so I went down to Shane and Lisa's room to get Tessa. When I knocked, Lisa answered.

Lisa- Hey JC! Tessa's ready!

Me- Cool.

Lisa opened the door wider and Tessa stepped out. HOLY FUCK she looks amazing! I am pretty sure my jaw dropped and I stood there like an idiot until Lisa poked me and I snapped out of it.

Me- Wow, Tessa, you look amazing!

Tessa- Thanks JC you do too!

I was nothing compared to her! I had on a white shirt, black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, silver shoes, and a silver chain. together we looked like the ultimate power couple! I smiled.

me- Ready to go?

Tessa- Yeah totally!


When we got to the conference hall the party was in full swing, the place smelled like alcohol and there were drunk Youtubers every wear! Dub step music was blaring and strobe lights were going. There was a huge dance floor in the middle of the room and I pulled Tessa to it. We were dancing and having a great time!

Then we decided to take a brake from dancing and head to bar that was set up in the corner, it was an open bar, thanks to YouTube. We each downed a couple shots of vodka then had a mixed drink. We were talking and laughing with our friends, including Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa, Craig Dillon, Veeoneye or Jason, Connor Franta, and many more! Including Trevor who was only 15 and alittle tipsy from shots.

Tessa and I resumed dancing. After awhile she froze and was staring at someone, Sawyer. Sawyer was standing in the middle of the dance floor making out with Acacia Brinley. So that was who he had found... they were kissing aggressively and looked like they were eating each others faces, it was quite repulsive really.

Me- Come on, lets go.

I pulled Tessa away and back to the bar and our friends. Tessa quickly downed 2 more shots and was now pretty drunk.

Suddenly Sam Pepper came up behind Tessa.

Sam Pepper- Hello, Love

I tensed right away. I know Sams intentions. Of sleeping with my girlfriend.

Tessa- Sam! Oh my god it been so long!

Tessa then gave sam a big hug and drunkenly clung to him.

Me- Okay Tessa, we should probably be going...

Sam- Or we could go dancing!?

Tessa- Dancing? Yes! I love dancing!

Sam- Great! Me too!

Me- Tessa! No! Let's go!

I was now yelling at her, trying to get her off Sam. I didn't trust him.

Tessa- JC! Stop! Let go of me, I want to dance with Sam!

JC- Tessa please! Listen to me, we have to go!

Tessa- No JC! I want to stay here! Leave me alone, you can't control me!
And with that she grabbed Sam and pulled him to the dance floor. I didn't know what to do. I really wanted to chase after them, punch sam and grab Tessa. But I know if I show the least bit of aggression Tessa will get scared. I really don't want that to happen. So I just went back to the bar, downed a few more shots, and hoped for the best.

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now