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So Tessa told me everything. And I do mean EVERYTHING.

About how at first Sawyer was an amazing guy. Then he turned into a violent drunk. She told me how like every night JC would come pick her up, but she would have to go back to Sawyer in the morning. And about how Sawyer threatened her to make her stay. And about the kiss and the feelings with Sam Pottorff, about the drunken night with Sam Pepper and the kiss with Trevor.

Sawyer and I used to be so close.


But in the past year we have grown apart, and now I see it was for good reason.

I feel sick to my stomach.

I just cant believe he would be capable of that.

Then she continued and told me about how just last night Sawyer took her to a hotel and JC had to save her.

After she was done she started crying. Tessa is so strong, I've never seen her cry.

Tears fell hard and fast down her cheeks.

I opened my arms and enveloped her in a hug. I just sat and held her as she cried.

I whispered comforting things in her ear. I know she just needs a good cry to let it out.

She got up soon and locked her self in the bathroom to get ready, we have a pannel to get to soon.

I heard the shower running, then stop, then I heard the hair dryer.

Tessa came out looking completely different.

Her plan was to wear Sawyers merch, to make it look like there still together.

But instead she had on pair of white skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a Mrs. Caylen pull over shirt on.

I have to admit, shes daring.

After she put on some black converse and JCs blue bennie, we were ready.

We left the hotel and took the shuttle golf cart for Youtubers only, over to the convention center.

We went in though a back hallway after showing our ID tags, and headed to behind the stage, where we met Troye Sivan, Andrea Russet, Gabriellea, Zoella and a few others.

They all greeted Tessa as usual. That was one good thing about being in the Youtube community, we all had so many rumors spread about ourselves we dont believe any about eachother.

The crowed soon started cheering, I grabbed the mic from a sound guy and everyone headed out on stage.

The crowd cheered for the 5 in front, but when Tessa came out alot of them fell silent and started talking about her. I felt so bad for her.

Tessa- Hey Tyler!

Me- Uh, yeah?

Tessa- Give me the mic!

Im the one running the pannel.

I threw her the mic and she caught it.

Tessa- Hey guys!

There mostly a negative response from people.

Tessa- Well, I know there has been alot of mixed signals sent out about me lately. But I have an announcement.

What the hell is she doing?!?!?!

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now