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I am kicking and struggling. I am screaming, or trying to atleast, Sawyer was covering my mouth to muffle me. Im struggling as hard as I can but it's no use, he's so strong. I'm panicking. Why is he doing this to me? Doesn't he have that Acacia whore to be with? And Joey! Why is Joey helping him? He used to be our roommate! Before the real abuse started.

I finally stopped trying to struggle. It's no use really, he's way to strong. But the real question is where is he taking me? And why?

I felt the car slow down, turn, and finally stop.

Sawyer opened the passenger door and pulled me out. He still had a hand over my mouth. He leaned down to whisper in my ear.

Sawyer: I am going to remove my hand. If you scream, Caylen will have hell to pay.

I froze up then. That's what got me, threatening JC. It always used to work. I felt awful. I'm an aweful person for doing that to JC. Kissing Sam Pottorff, sleeping with Sam Pepper, and kissing Trevor. I am a mess. I wouldn't blame JC at all if he never wanted to speak to me again. I deserve it. But my life would never be the same. I love JC unconditionally. I love him more then I can comprehend, and I would kill myself if I ever had to live without him.

I finally looked around, we are at a hotel, a really fancy one. Sawyer grabbed my arm and pulled me into the fancy lobby. Everything was super modern and hi-class. Sawyer guided me to the front desk.

Women- Hello!

Sawyer- Hi, um I have a reservation.

Of course he did! I rolled my eyes, so he's been planning my kidnaping.

Women- Okay! Name?

Sawyer- Caylen.

What? Why had he used JCs name?

Women- Alright! It looks like it's prepaid so here's your key! Enjoy your stay!

Sawyer led me rather aggressively towards the elevator. We went in and he pressed the button for floor number 5.

We were silent the whole ride, it was super akward. He still had a tight grip on my arm and it was starting to hurt.

I had to break the silence.

Me- Sawyer...

Sawyer- Shut up.

He sounded very scary.

I shut up.

We got out on the 5th floor and Sawyer pulled me down the hallway. We stopped at door number 534. I gulped.

Sawyer put the key in and opened the door.

He swiftly walked in yanking me behind him. I stumbled in and he slammed me down on the bed.

Me- Sawyer! What are you doing! Get the hell off me!

Sawyer had tried to get on top of me. I starting freaking out! He was to strong. I forced my leg up and kicked sawyer in the face with all the strength I could muster.

Sawyer- You bitch!

He let out a yell and jumped back. He has a bloody nose, I always was a strong fighter. Sawyer quickly went to grabbed a towel from the bathroom to try to stop the bleeding.

I saw my chance, leaped off the bed, and ran out the door. I sprinted down the long hallway, I have no idea which direction we came from. I can hear sawyer yelling and chasing after me. But I'm smaller and faster then him.

I rounded the corner and saw an elevator. I quickly pushed the button, it opened immediately reveling JC.

JC- Tessa!

Me- Oh my god JC you have to help me!

Jc- I know come here, it's okay! Your okay, I won't let Sawyer hurt you.

Just as the elevator doors were closing sawyer rounded the corner.

Sawyer- Fuck no!

He thrust his arm in the door so it wouldn't close. He forced his way in.

JC- Just leave us alone!

Sawyer- Sure I will, as soon as you get your hands off my girl!

Me- I'm not your girl!

Sawyer then practically leaped on to JC, knocking them both to the ground.

I tried to get out the way as best as possible, but we were in about a 6x6 very cramped elevator.

Sawyer threw a punch and it connected with JCs jaw. JC grunted and tried hit back, but he was being pinned to the ground. I didn't know what to do, so I did something both very smart, and very stupid.

I jumped on Sawyers back and starting pulling his hair. I put him in kind of a head lock, with one arm around his neck.

I'm really scared, JC keeps getting hit, there is blood coming from his nose and mouth. I strangled Sawyer with all the strength I can muster. I finally distracted Sawyer enough for JC to get up. JC then took over punching Sawyer in the face.

The elevator finally stopped on the 1st floor and the doors opened. I jump out and pull JC with me.

Me- Come on! We have to get out of here!

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now