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I was casually walking though the expo hall on my way to meet Joey Graceffa, when I saw Tessa speed walking ahead of me. She is wearing a dark grey hoodie to avoid being recognized, but I am sure it's her. I hurried to catch up and I grabbed her around the middle. I turned her around and pulled her into a kiss. She squirmed to first, then realized it was me, then tensed up in fear. I don't blame her.

Fans recognized us right away and came up to us for pictures. We of course said yes so we wouldn't look suspicious. Most of the fans acted alittle strange towards us, knowing about Tessa and her whore-ish ways.

Me- Okay guys, it was so nice meeting you all, but we must be going now, have fun at Vidcon!

I quickly dismissed the fangirls adoring over me, and pulled Tessa away outside. As soon as we were outside we walked to together to a secluded area of the parking lot.

She started trying to pull out of the grip I still had on her arm. I wouldn't let go so she pulled harder.

Tessa- Let me go Sawyer!

Me- Shhhh! Do you want fans to see us?

That shut her up. But she still kept pulling, trying to get away from me.

Me- Stop! Now!

My voice was low and threatening. I wanted her to be scared, I wanted her to fear me.

Tessa- What do you even want?

Sawyer- We're waiting.

Tessa looked confused

Tessa- Waiting for what?

I looked around, where is he? Why isn't he here already?

Sawyer- Ah, well, nothing

Tessa started pulling harder and clawing at my arms.

Tessa- Stop! Sawyer let me go!

She was almost screaming so I clamped a hand over her mouth. That set her off. Now she was really panicking. Where is he?

I now had to fully restrain Tessa. Suddenly a bright yellow car pulled up in front of us. Finally!

I opened one of the back doors and shoved Tessa in, causing her to scream louder, only to be muffled by my hand. She was frantically fighting to get away, I had to lay her down across the seats and pin her down as we pulled away.

Dirty Secret//JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now