Chapter 21

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Kayleah's pov


I'm walking down the street I look behind me. A monster zombie thing. I start to run. I run down this alley way. Bad mistaken. "I've got u now"

"HELP ME, SKIP!! JAI!! LUKE!!!BEAU!JAMES!! ANYONE PLEASE HELP!!!" I scream. I don't wanna die.

I get woken up. I open my eyes panting and shoot up. It turns out I head butted Jai.

"OMG sorry Jai" I say and pull him in for a hug. I look around to see (from left to right) Beau, Rebecca, Jai, Chelsea, Holly, Luke, Mum and Skip. Oh Skips next to me. I basically pounce on him and put my arms around him.

"Guys what's the time?" I mumble in Skips shirt. I'm kinda covered in sweat to.

"It's about 4:40 in the morning." Rebecca says.

"Sorry for waking u guys up, go back to sleep" I say and lay back down.

Everybody walks out but Mum.

"What was your dream about?" mum asked

"Well I was getting chased by a monster but then it was a zombie and I ran down an alley way and that thing was gonna eat me" I explain

"Is that why u were yelling our names?" Skip says.

"Yeah. I guess" I say

"Night Kayleah" mum finally said after I calmed down.

"Night Mum" I say

"Night Mumma G" Skip said.

Mum walked out the door.

I lay down in Skips arms.

Ten minutes later I hop up and hop off the bed.

"Where r u going?" Skip asked

"To get a glass of milk. U want one?"

"Can I come?'

"Sure why not"

Skip hops off the bed and we walk to the kitchen. I turn the light on and see Beau with a bottle of milk in his hand drinking it straight from the bottle in his underwear. It's normal to me.

"Beau Peter Brooks. That's disgusting. It's call pouring it in a glass" I say.

I walk over to the fridge and Skip sits down at the table. I grab two big glasses and another bottle of milk that I hide. I pour the milk in the glasses and pass one to Skip.

"Night Beau-Job" I say

"Night Kayleah" he says

Skip and I walk back to my room with our milk. I place my milk on the bedside table and lay down on my bed. Skip does the same. I grab my phone and go on Facebook. I look at my notifications 99+ wow. 99+ messages wow again. I sit up in my bed and drink my milk.

"I want a milo" I say

'Ill get it babe" Skip says and rand away to the kitchen. He finally comes back with the milo and a spoon.

"Here" Skip says

"Thanks. U want some" I ask

"Ok" he says

He grabs the spoon and takes about 5 heaped spoons of milo and gives me another spoon. I grab the milo and put a lot in. I stir my drink and have some. I grab the milo and start to eat out the tin.

*10 mins later*

I eat almost the whole tin of milo.


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