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Daniel's pov

I see Jai near the door. Meh who cares. Kayleah slowly starts to open her eyes.

"Mornin" I say ad Jai runs out.

Kayleah hops off me and runs somewhere. I go to the toilet and find her with her head near the toilet bowl. I grab her hair so she doesn't get any on it. She finishes and goes to the sink/basin and washes her hands mouth and brushes her teeth. She walks back to my room while I get panadol and water for her.

I walk in the room to find her cuddling my pillow asleep. I shake her lightly and give her the panadol and water. Aren't I a great boy friend. Ahaha. I grab another 3 glasses of water and get more panadol and give them all to Beau Melissa and Tara. I then go back to my room.

"Are u alright Kayleah?" I ask

"No" she says

"What do u want? ill get it for u"

"I wanna cuddle u. Pwease" I lay down next to Kayleah and she scoots closer to me puts her arms around my waist and puts her head on my chest.

I close my eyes then hear someone open the door. I open my eyes.

"She drunk alcohol last night didnt she?" Gina says

"Ahh yeah" I say and she brings over 10 pieces of plan toast.

"For u and mostly Kayleah. It helps get the alcohol out the system. Who else drunk?"

"Umm Beau"

"Of coarse"

"Melissa and Tara"

"Ok bye" Gina say and closes the door.

I look down at Kayleah and see she's asleep. I untangle from her and she stirs a bit.

I walk out to The Twins room. They're playing FIFA.

"Hey" I say and sit on Jais bed.

"Hey" they both say with out taking their eyes off the screen.

Jai ends up winning. Luke screams and all that.

I then play against Jai. I play on the team arsenal. Yay.

The score was 4-0 and Jai was winning so I pressed power on the TV and it went off and then I walked out to the lounge room.

"DANIELLLLLLLL" I hear a girls voice say.

I walk to my room to see a guy who has climbed through my window trying to grab Kayleah. I see him put rope around her arms and another man putting duck tape on her mouth they see me and pick Kayleah up and take her out the window with me behind them.

"JAI BEAU LUKE OUT THE FROUNT NOW HURRY UP QUICKLY" I scream as I chase after the men. They hop in a car and drive off.

I fall to my knees crying and screaming in the middle of the road. I look at the number plate and copy it down 2840 fml. Beau, Luke, Jai, Chelsea, Holly, Gina, Melissa and Tara walk out. Well run.

"What's wrong?" Jai asks

"S-she's gone" I say and cry even harder.

"Who's gone?" Luke asks.

"K-K-Kayleah" I say and hop up and start walking back to the house crying. I open the door walk to her room and lay on the bed.

I cry myself to sleep.

The Brooks Brothers Sister. A Daniel Sahyounie Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now