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Kayleahs POV

Today we are going to go on a shopping spree. Only some of us girls. Holly, Chelsea, Mariam and I.

"Here buy something nice" Daniel says and gives me a 100 dollar note.

"No Daniel I did work I do have money" I say and reject it.

"Whatever" he says and keeps it in his hand. I sort my bag out then put it on the kitchen counter.

I walk in my room and get my outfit. A superman singlet with blue skinny jeans.

I walk out my room after doing my make up and find the girls already in the kitchen.

"Ready?" Holly asks

"Yep" I say and we all grab our bags and go in Mariams car.

The Climb by Miley Cyrus comes on and we all sing along.

When we arrive at the mall we walk around to Starbucks. Some girls ask for photos and others give us daggers. We sit down at Starbucks and these girls ask to sit with us. Their round about 13-14 there are two of them.

"So what are your names?" I ask.

"Well my name is Ashleigh" a girl with blonde hair says "and I'm Hannah" a girl with brown hair says.

"Ooo cool. Who's your fave out of the boys" Holly asks Hannah and Ashleigh.

"Daniel" Hannah says and looks at me.

"Ooo you will have a bit of competition going on Kayleah" Chelsea says

"Oh no no. I'm a hardcore Dayleah shipper. You's two should get married" Hannah says.

I laugh a little.

"And I like Jai" Ashleigh says "but I ship Chelsea and Jai hard core Cai"

We end up knowing a but about the girls and follow them on twitter. I text Daniel, Jai, Luke, James and Beau saying to follow them both.

We talk a bit then they both get 5 notifications one after another. They both scream.

"What's wrong"?" Mariam asks.

"The boys followed us" Ashleigh and Hannah say.

A cheeky smile plays across my face they both jump up off their chairs and come over and hug me.

"Oh and by the way Daniel put $100 in your bag" Hannah says.

They both stop hugging me and I check in my bag. Yep she was right.

We exchange numbers and they go in a separate way then us.

"They where SOO nice" Chelsea says

"Yeah I know" Holly says and we walk in a few shops.

"Can we go in an necklace shop please" I say and we all go in a shop full of bracelets, rings, anklets and necklaces.

I look around and find an infinity necklace with 'Love' on it. I buy that with the money Daniel gave me.

I also get a boyfriend girlfriend necklace thing for us both. All together it cost $75 so I have $25 left. That's alright.


Sorry. I got grounded for a week and it was the worst week of my life. I got my iPod back early cause my dance. I'm also exhausted from a performance and a long hot tiring day with my friends and people from the pact club. It was fun tho.

Thanks for having patients.

Love you's



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