The PERV and the VIOLENT one

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I arrived in Japan safely, although there's a little jet lag I didn't care coz I was excited

to see my dad after five months. My bodyguards escorted me to our hotel and I rested

there for a while. Someone knocked at the door while I was lying comfortably on my

bed. Arggh... I'm too lazy to get up...who's that? Young Miss Can I come in, it's

Secretary Song. Oh yes! Come in I shouted! I rushed to her and hug her I missed you

omma! She hugged me back I missed you too dongsaeng! Wow you've grown a lot

and now you're a lady, you're beautiful Soojung she said with a smile while looking

at me from head to toe. Only the people who's close to me calls me Soojung and

princess, only few who have the privilege. Haha. Victoria omma was my personal

secretary before, we're very close to each other and she treated me like her daughter.

She's not old, she's my unnie but she's so caring to me like a mother. Ever since she

was promoted by my father she travels a lot and we rarely see each other already. I'm

sorry but your father wants me to inform you that he can't see you right now. He's in

an important meeting with the board. As always! I muttered disappointedly, but, but

omma? But what? She asked. "He will see you later this evening and he will fly back

with you to San Francisco after your vacation here" she explained. Really! I shouted

excitedly. I hugged my omma happily." I will go now soojung ah," she said with her

warm smile, nae omma! "By the way I'm going back with you guys also" she winked.

Jinja!?? "Jinja soojung...bye see you" she said as she walked out of the door. This is

my lucky day! I said to myself. Since I'm in a mood now I want to go shopping! But

first I need to contact my pal Jiyoung. I met her here in Japan when I was on

vacation she's one of the daughter of father's friends and she's a good friend too.

She ask me to meet her at the mall, well it's one of our mall's here in Japan, I am on

my way now as soon as I finish changing my clothes in a comfortable one just the

usual jeans, white tops and my favourite sneakers. I put on my sunglasses so that

people won't recognize me and retouch my light make up. I like being simple coz I

feel carefree, this is my style, the real me. I arrive at the front of the mall an hour

before our meeting time; I want to stroll the place, as I got out of the cab and rashly

crossed the street. My heart skip a beat I could not move, I was shocked when I saw

the motorbike who's fast approaching, and I think it's going to hit me, I just stood

there, and closed my eyes, waiting for the bike to hit me when I felt some one

grabbed me and push me far off the road, "watch out you Jerk!" He said angrily at the

driver. As he turned to me and we both loose our balance so we both fell on the

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