Push then Pull

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Amber has been unusually silent ever since his mom came to visit; he spent so much time in his basketball practice. Lucky for him it's only a five days away the spring break. Sulli observed his actions and she knows something is bothering her Hyung. She's waiting for Amber to open up to her but she knows how stupid he is, he likes keeping things to himself.

Krystal on the other hand is very upset, her father called yesterday apologizing that he can't be with her this spring break. Victoria tried to call her to cheer her up and explained her father's side but Soojung didn't listen she misses her father but he was too busy for his only daughter. Amber keeps himself occupied the whole week; Sulli is now annoyed on how stubborn he is. Last time they had a heart to heart talk she told Amber to be open about his feelings to her so, she said that he can't keep his problems to himself that it's better to let it out.

He knows he had me to listen to him and I can understand him completely the girl said as she rushed on the elevator and made her way to the second floor where the basketball court is, but instead she found him on the gym which is right in front of the elevator he can clearly see him pushing his limit so hard on working out as she observe him on the transparent glass wall. She directly approaches Amber and said "YAH! What's your problem? Why are you avoiding me and even Krystal? Don't you think that I can see right through you? What did mom told you?" Answer me she exclaimed furiously.

"Why do you let us worry about you?" She exclaimed. Well being avoided for almost a week made her pissed, she waited for her brother to approach him to open up but again he never did. Amber froze seeing how furious Sulli is, he froze while doing the lifting and he uttered "I'm sorry", I know you're worried but please understand I grow up alone Sul, I'm not used to have someone to express my feelings to. Sorry he got up and hug the girl, "Hyung" we are family even though you're mother is the one causing all this we have the same blood that run in our veins like it or not we're in this together, Dad is doing his best over there so you don't have to worry.

Amber huffed "But it's not the company what I'm worried about Sul, I really don't care about losing the company, granddad left me with a big fortune already, really we don't need all money in the world. Sulli was confused about his statement, "We received a death threat okay Sul, mom said she think that they're getting closer , one of your dads bodyguard was found dead in the parking lot few days ago after he received a note.

"Mom's worried, so am I, I don't wanna lose the only family I have left Sul, Amber said with a worried tone as he hug his sister. I worry for our safety Sul he said as he grab her sister's hand. Amber spilled all the details to Sulli, as expected their mom doubled their bodyguards, but those body guards are not like so close to them they stay few meters away, not to get too obvious that they're doing their jobs properly except for one his name is Key he's one of the top agents that Mrs. Choi hired, he pretends to be a civilian, his cover is to pretend to be one of our classmates and be close to Amber. Well this will not be too hard on Key since...


This is the last day of class since spring break is already on after talking to Sulli made me feel better and focused. Soojung was kinda aloof when I'm around I can't blame her I kept avoiding them since last week, I tried to speak to her but I guess I can't blame her for avoiding me. I hate myself, everything is already perfect between us but I spoiled it, I heard that she's staying for spring break which will be a perfect timing to smooth things with her.

I rode my bike on the way to school since Soojung's avoiding me, as I made my way on our first class I saw a familiar figure standing near the door, Key? Kibum? Is that you bro? What are you doing here man? Well Key was one of my close friends back in Paris, I was surprised to see him here, and I lost my contact with him when I flew to Japan.

"I was transferred here; your father threw you away again? What did you do this time? Crazy guy! This guy's crazy and weird at the same time. Well I really don't have lots of friends here good thing you're here man, I gave him a bro fists, damn were late let's get moving, so what class are you in I asked him as we walk through the hall, so we had exactly the same class schedule great now I don't have to be with the girls always, I'm always left out when they do some girls stuff. We entered the room and our strict professor gave us a glare, as we sit at the back row, I saw Sulli looking at me with a why are you late expression.

I gave her a grin, I was really not listening at the lecture, it bores me and I was just thinking how odd is it to meet Key here, well we met in a weird way in Paris that's when he saved me from being drag by a car because I was so drunk that night. That's how we became close, he was my drinking buddy, he listens to my non tiring talk about how me and my ex girlfriend broke up, when I flew to Japan there was really no sign of him not until now, is it just a coincidence coz I find it weird it's not bad to be precautious specially at these times that we need to be extra careful and I need to sharpen my eyes in observing the people around us.

I was surprised when Key shook my shoulders "Hey man class is over, lunchtime he said as he gazes on his watch". Really? Wow how long was I lost in my thoughts. Sul and Krys was waiting for me outside we had lunch together, I was planning to ditch the girls and have lunch with my buddy but he was nowhere to be found. I decided to talk to Soojung when Sul left to order some more drinks, she was silent while staring at her phone.

Krys? Hmm? She said but still looking at her phone. Are you okay? Then she stared at me and just nodded her head. I heard your dad bailed out on you, so I asked if you're okay. Really she's making me nervous right now, I can feel beads of sweat forming in my forehead, are you mad at me? "No, we were just worried about you when you started avoiding us". I smiled at her words I'm sorry about that, aww... so sweet my princess; she glared at me and laughed.

Well that's more I like it, so any plans for spring break? "Are you kidding, my dad just cancelled our plan remember "she said with an annoyed face. Who says about daddy when we can have fun? You, me and Sul huh whatcha say? I saw a smirk on her face. We can spend some days in Santa Monica Pier and said as I leaned on closer to her, her eyes widened; "really" she said excitedly when Sul butt in, "What are you two up to"? It's a secret between me and Soojung, you're not invited I said teasingly.

Right Princess? She just nodded as she knew I was teasing Sul. Sulli stomped her feet like a kid and pouted, you don't love me anymore she blurted as she looked at Krys, you love her more than me huh Hyung? W-what?! I exclaimed as I stuttered, I feel sudden gush of blood ran down my face, Geez! Sul we we're just kidding okay, I gaze at Krystal and she was laughing at us. Wow! Her smile, I love to see that smile of hers, it makes my heart melt.

Kekeke.....Spring break vacation moments coming up!!!


Happy fifth anniversary f(x)!!!! I read llama's post in twitter! who say's they aren't perfect....well they are really not....but for me they are PERFECT!!! I will forever be your fan f(X) no matter what and I'll forever ship K R Y B E R!!!! who's with me???!!!!

I wish good health and more projects for our girls!!!

KRYBER Jjang!!!! 

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