Chapter 2

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"I do know the actual story contrary to your belief." I hiss at him.

This rooms temperature continues to climb the longer I talk to this maniac. He laughs, a genuine cackle, and it sends shivers down my spine. Looking at him, I see in his eyes that he's honest. There must be something I really don't know.

"I guess she never told you, so I'll leave something for you to ponder over." He makes direct eye contact telling me his completely serious.

"Hey, you have ten minutes!" The guard calls over his shoulder, causing a disgusted look to form on his face. Annoyed too I'd say.

"That's fine actually" he calms himself, "ten minutes is all I need."

He turns back to me, but his facial expression seems lost, as if in thought


"Ok Ellana I'll be completely truthful with you-"

"Now you decide to be truthful?" I cut him off, shocked at his timely decision.

"I didn't kill your mother. You may think I did, but truth be told, I'm not that much of a monster." He spits the words through the phone, clearly annoyed with me the more I retaliate against him.

"That's not very honest of you. Considering I looked you straight in the eye when you held a gun to her head and had your arm wrapped around her neck in a chokehold." I try my hardest to sound strong and pissed off at his lies, but the memory stings my heart causing tears to form at the rims of my eyes. The picture still fresh in my mind, a picture that will never fade with time, or be lost in my memory. As I remember that day, I'm reminded of my hatred for this man, and what it is I really came here to tell him.

"Today is my mothers funeral," I pause to swallow the lump in my throat, and let the water in my eyes settle so as to not let a tear slip, "I don't know if that matters to you, but it's today and I came here to let you know how much I hate you for taking her from me." I'm hoping my words came out as intimidating as I intended.

"Really? Today's my trial as well. Looks like it's going to be a sad day for the both of us." By his tone, I can't tell if he's being serious, apologetic, or sarcastic.

"Ellana, before you paint me as this satanic monster in your head for the rest of your life, I want you to consider something. Remember the woman your mother was."

I feel the knife hit my heart and I can't take this anymore. I stand abruptly, but he stops me in my tracks.

"Ella you might want to hear this, no matter how much it hurts." My silence tells him he can proceed, "I loved your mother, but you need to discover who she really was and what she did in her life. Not only will you realize I didn't kill her, but you'll realize she wasn't who you thought she was."

After a moment of silence, I glance at him,though my tears have already welled up, blurring my vision.

My eyes burn, my heart aches, my head is spinning and I realize I need to leave now.

"Time to go." The guard from behind him taps him on the shoulder, yet that doesn't phase him as he holds my deadly stare. I press one hand on the table below me and lean as close to the glass as I possibly can.

"Have fun in jail Michael." I say, slamming the phone on the hook afterwards.

I won't come back here, but I'll make sure I get the closure I've been needing. The closure I intended to get by coming here in the first place.


My mind is drowning in it's own thoughts.

Making my way down Newgate Street, not sure how much longer afterwards, I come across the London Eye straight ahead.

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