Chapter 36

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Sharp pains strike the joints of my body as I toss and turn in my sleep. I can't feel my fingers, toes, or lips. The room I'm in feels like it's below fucking zero, and my body can't warm itself up fast enough. My arm aches in excruciating pain, causing me to whimper as a tear streams down my cheek. As much as it hurts, I slowly tilt my head forward and glance at my fingers. Mentally, I'm telling myself to move them, but my body won't cooperate. The skin is completely white, surprisingly noticeable against my already pale skin. As are my toes, and I fail miserably to move at least one. I lean back against the soft pillow slowly, and close my eyes as more tears begin to stream down my face.

"Ellana?" I hear a knock on the door, and a frail elderly nurse walks in. "Hi, my name is Mary and I'll be your nurse okay?"

I nod in silence.

"Okay, listen. There's a young lady waiting outside for you, would you care for visitors?" She asks, pressing her warm, fragile hand against my forehead as she brushes the hair off my face.

I nod once again, and inhale deeply.

She smiles, and holds the door open and to my surprise; letting Ashley in. She gently shuts the door, and Ashley stands by the entrance, staring at me in shock.

"Oh my god, El," she rushes over, cupping my face in her hands. I groan in pain, and she let's go immediately. "What happened to you?"

Speak, just say something! My mind is screaming inside.

"I-" harsh coughs emit from my mouth, causing even more pain and headaches.

Keep going. The voice encourages me.

"I was outside, in the rain." I croak, squinting up at her.

"Ella do you know how cold it is? Why the hell would you do that?" She stares at me like I'm the dumbest person in the world.

I could be, but not for standing in the rain.

"I had to speak to Zayn." Tears well up in my eyes at the thought of him, and my subconscious begins to create horrible scenarios that could've happened to him.

"You put your health in danger for him?" She asks, tilting her head.

I nod, and close my eyes.

"Do you know where he is right now?" She asks, worry clear in her eyes. It reminds me of the night Michael was found not guilty, and my heart begins to race.

"No, where?"

Dare I ask.

"He's on the third floor, getting treatment because he also has hypothermia. Apparently, saving you and being exposed to the rain as well, gave him it." She shrugs, and I can't decide whether I'm relieved or worried.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine. I went to see him earlier and they covered him in heated blankets to get his body temperature back up." She smiles softly at me, and runs her hand over my forehead.

A knock sounds bangs on the door, interrupting us.

"Come in!" I call, my voice cracking a bit.

Mary walks in quietly, and shyly as she approaches my bed. "Sorry to interrupt ladies, but Ellana there's a young man waiting to see you and I needed to see if you were okay with more visitors?"

My heart drops a bit, because I know that young man can't be Zayn.

"Sure, thank you Mary." I smile at her, and she slowly walks away.

Soon after, an unforgettable head of wavy brown hair and welcoming blue eyes walk in making me feel a whole lot better.


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