Chapter 15

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"Soooo, what the hell happened tonight?" Ashley asks, drying her hair with a towel.

"To be completely honest, I'm not even sure. I went on a date with Za-"

"You guys went on a date?!" She shrieks, interrupting me. "Why didn't you mention it to me?!"

"Because you were no where to be found. I was here studying, and you were clearly out shopping." I point at the plastic bags resting on her bed, and she shrugs in agreement.

"How did it go?" She can't contain her excitement, that's for sure. Her face is lit up like Times Square on New Years Eve. Or any other night really.

"Fine, we ran into one of his coworkers, which was a little awkward. He was so weird. Then to come here and see Michael relaxing in my dorm, remind me to talk to the front office about that by the way."

The thought of Michael resting his bum on my nightstand nonchalantly, makes me angry and my body extremely hot. Although, I still can't figure out why he would randomly decide to come see me. Surely there's an ulterior motive, I'm unaware of.

"For sure, but please tell me all about this date!" Her wide bright smile is contagious, and I feel like we're two middle school girls all over again.

So we spend the night going over every single detail of tonight. She points out the black leather jacket laying on my bed, and teases me endlessly about how he must love me to give me his jacket. That's never the case though. Ashley confesses how much she loves Zayns tattoos and how he looks so devilishly beautiful all the time.

"Don't get me started on the lip piercing! If I could kiss him, I would-"

"Hey! Keep those thoughts to yourself, you whore." I crack up, and she lays across the bed, laughing.

"Whatever, you can finish the sentence for yourself because I'm sure you feel the same way." She smirks, raising an eyebrow at me.

Although, whatever she was about to say, couldn't compare to the thoughts I've had, and the way I feel. Zayn is ridiculously gorgeous, if anyone said otherwise, I they'd be lying to themselves.

I rest my head against my pillow, and sigh in exhaustion. Memories of Zayn lying next to me just a few hours ago pop up, and I can't help the smile spreading across my face.

"Damn, Ella did you shack up with him already? That smile tells a story!" She laughs, and I gape at her in shock.

"No! I'm not an easy girl, how dare you." I chuck my pillow at her face, and hide my face behind the other.

"No you're not, but I don't see how you can contain yourself." The room is pitch black now, but I can feel the perverted smile plastered on her face.

"Takes a lot of work, promise you that."

I drift to sleep, Ashley's rant about her difficult shopping trip fading into the background as my mind forms images of a mysterious raven haired man.


"Hey love." Warm lips press against my cheek, as I reach for a paper coffee cup. I turn my head to see Zayn smiling at me.

"Your hair is down." I point out randomly, running my finger through it.

"It's looks okay, yeah?" A hint of doubt is laced in his voice, and I can't help but chuckle to myself. This man is somehow insecure. As to how in the hell, I'll never know.

"It's looks beautiful." I tease, and he wrinkles his nose.

"First adorable, now beautiful? Fuck, you need to stop with that." He sighs in annoyance.

"I do it, because I've come to realize it annoys you, duh." I press the paper cup under the coffee machine and let the steaming hot liquid fill the cup. As I press the lid down, I turn to make my way to my locker, Zayn following behind.

"What class do you have anyway?" I ask, realizing I've never seen him around much even though we're studying the same subject.

"Right now, I have.." He pauses, to unlock his phone and stare at it. "I have Criminology, wonderful class I must say."

"Oh that's on the opposite side of campus though." I whine, not wanting him to be late. I sip my coffee, finishing it up and throw it in the nearest trashcan.

"Yeah, but it's not like the professors care anyway. We're adults, they're not here to babysit." He shrugs, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his gray hoodie.

"Oh, bum day today?" I ask, raising an eyebrow and point my finger at his attire. Gray hoodie, black sweatpants, and all black Nike free runs. Not usual for a guy like him.

"Yeah, you inspired me to not care about how I look." He smirks.

"Ouch." I duck my head.

"I'm just kidding!" He wraps his arms around me, laughing to himself. He rests his chin on my head, and I allow his warm body to heat up mine. "Although, we do match today." He sighs, and I feel his chest rise and fall.

I push myself away from him to study our outfits. My gray Nike hoodie, generic black yoga pants, and gray and white free runs, correspond with him and I find it slightly adorable that we match and are even showing affection in public. It makes the whole scene really.

"You didn't get the memo about the gray and white shoes though, shame." I shake my head, in mock disappointment.

"And you clearly couldn't afford to buy nike yoga pants to complete your outfit." He shakes his head, mocking me.

I gape at him, and turn to hide my smile. "Your an asshole, has anyone told you that?"

"Plenty of people." He whispers in my ear as he rests his chin on my shoulder.
I turn around, and he leans against the brick wall of the hallway. I roll my eyes, and stand in front of him.

"I'm going to class, I'll see you later." I lean in to kiss him, but he presses a finger against my lips.

"You have coffee breath, sorry."

I burst out laughing, at his ridiculous remark.

"It's fine" I think to myself, "when he wants one, I'll do the same."

I nod in silence, and he leans in to press a kiss on my cheek. Unfortunately, my reflexes are amazing, and I jerk away before he can reach me. I shrug my shoulders, and flash a smile at him as I turn to finally make my way to class. I briefly see him bow his head, a faint smile on his face as he laughs to himself.

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