Chapter 58

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The long dark hallway is lit up with dim yellow lights, creating a creepy unsettling feeling inside me. As if some psychotic killer is going to burst through one of the doors and take my life immediately. But I hear giggling coming from down the hall in a far room, and follow the faint noise of a young girls voice.

"Stop!" She shrieks, giggling again.
I approach what must be the right door, and press my ear against the wood but can't hear anything else anymore.

Muffled voices come up again, but I turn the knob to take a look inside.

"Harry?" I step just a bit inside, but flinch back when I see his lips practically glued to a random girls face. "Oh god, im sorry!"

"Ella n-" he detaches himself from her and instead steps towards me.

"No, no it's okay! God, I am so sorry." My voice rises to a hitch pitched whine, as I cover my eyes in horror.

The image of his pants down to his ankles and her dress hiked up above her waist while she sits on the dresser won't leave my mind, and it's scarring. I never ever imagined to see him this way, nor did I ever want to.

"No, stay here. And put your fucking pants on Harry!" I step back quickly, horrified by the prominent bulge underneath his boxers.

He yanks his pants up to his waist and quickly buttons them closed. He shouts my name but I slam the door closed behind me and rush towards the staircase. This is the second time I've seen someone either practically having sex or actually having sex in a random room of a frat house. And I never want to see it again.

"Back so soon?" Niall asks, sipping from his red cup a bit.

"Shut the fuck up." I spit harshly, and watch as he almost chokes on his water. "Where is Zayn?"

"Now that's a question people tend to ask a lot these days. Honestly, I have no idea. But you're friend is in the kitchen if you need her." He points down the hallway, and I see Ashley throw her head back in laughter while she talks to a guy I can't recall ever knowing.


After fighting my way through the overcrowded house, I reach Ashley but she walks off with the guy before I can shout anything into her ear.

"Okay." I sigh heavily, and throw my hands up in frustration. I'm sure people around me think I look lonely, and confused. When in reality, I'm just pissed off that I can't seem to find anyone I actually know and am surrounded by the clear liquid that once had me drunk off my ass.

"Never again." I mumble to myself as a reminder, my conscious creating a neon caution barrier between the intoxicating bottles and I.

I decide to find a couch to sit on, and wait for anyone I actually care to talk to show to show up. While I make my way back through the human maze, I feel random hands grope my body but I'm too irritated and quite frankly, focused to even notice. Cat calls, and whistles sound loudly as I walk by over the pounding house music, until I reach the couch, and cross my legs properly.

"So I didn't mean or even think you'd walk in on me like that. I'm sorry you had to see anything really." Harry apologizes immediately when he plops down next to me.

I smirk softly, and bow my head in embarrassment at the thought. "It's okay, really. Have you seen Zayn? I didn't see him when I came in."

His face falls slightly, and his lips form into a straight line firmly. I tuck excess hair that fell in front of my face, behind my ear and wait for his response.

"Zayn is actually upstairs as well. I'm not sure why, you should go check?" He stands from the couch, and walks off without so much as a glance back at me.

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