Chapter 59

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"We should really get back downstairs." I sigh into his chest, while he cradles me on top of him. The thick blanket rests between us, purposely preventing any further temptation that would keep us from getting out of this bed. While I'm completely exposed, and quite cold, he's warmly under the blankets.

"Who said we have to celebrate with anyone else?" He pouts, and I feel his finger dragging down along my back.

"I did. I didn't go out and buy a nice outfit for it to sit on the floor. Not to mention my underwear. Can't leave that shit here."

"I can always buy you new ones." He teases, and brushes my hair away from my face.

"Really? And what about the rest of the night, if I cross my legs on a couch. I'll expo-"

"I get it!" He cuts me off, unintentionally grabbing my ass in frustration.

"Hey that hurts!"

"Sorry babe, shouldn't matter though. I can grab what's mine." He sticks his tongue out, and I can't help but laugh a little at the devilish smile on his beautiful face.

"Not unless I let you. Which I am no longer letting you for the rest of the night." I kiss him on the tip of his nose briefly, and leave a few kisses trailing down his cheeks, before rolling off of him and down onto the mattress.

"You're not getting out of bed." He immediately rolls on top of me, pinning my body under his. Thankfully, he has the blanket and is now keeping me warm. "You're not leaving without me."

"Watch me." I whisper, and lean up to kiss under his jaw and distract him while my hand trails down between us.

"What are yo- Ella. Hey that's not fair." He winces at the last word, and squeezes his eyes shut while I grab the prominent bulge of his erection beneath the blanket.

I feel his body loosen up, and I take the opportunity to push him off me, back on to the mattress.

"See?" I laugh out loud, as I escape off the bed quickly and grab my dress from the floor.

"Penalty." He sighs, but places his hands behind his head, relaxed.

"Nobody said this was a game babe."

Zayns POV

"She tried, and I'll give her credit but she needs to be gone."

"What the fuck does that mean?!" I shouted into the speaker of my phone, and my heart pounds in my chest.

"It means, I'll handle it, and you enjoy what will be your first and only New Years celebration with precious Ellana." He spit back, and without another word hung up, leaving me in silence.

"Zayn?" Ella shakes me out of my thoughts, and drops my shirt on my chest. "Get out of bed, we have to go downstairs."

"Didn't I say we can celebrate by ourselves?" I remind her, and watch as she pulls her panties up her legs sexily.

"I don't recall. Now get the hell out of bed, and put your clothes on!"

She snaps her bra in place, before turning to me and reaches for her dress. I sit up lazily, and tug on my shirt, slowly buttoning it closed. I try to focus on getting dressed, or even the beautiful girl standing in front of me, fixing the dress I wanted to rip off her body from the second she walked in. But the guilt that continues to build up day by day, is eating at my mind, bugging me for hours on end. The only way I can possibly forget about it is when I'm kissing her, or having sex with her. And that, is beyond fucked up.

"Could you help me with my zipper?" She walks over, and turns her back to me.

"It's a horrible idea to stand in front of me with your dress completely undone." I tug it down a bit, and reach for the zipper.

"Keep your hormones in line for five minutes please?" She whines, and scoots back closer to me.

"Okay sorry."

Once the zipper is up, I stand and retrieve my briefs from the floor to tug them on.

"Should I meet you downstairs?" She leans against the wall to tug on her heels, and I smile like an idiot as I watch her.

"What's so funny?"

"You look like you've been freshly fucked, especially with that hair baby." I burst out laughing, and watch as she throws her shoe off and rushes into the bathroom.

"You're right!"

"I'm always right."

She walks back over, running her fingers through her hair repeatedly, trying to fix the now short, crazy mess on top of her head.


"No, hold on." I take her hand and pull her close to me, cupping her face in my hands. I take a moment to run my hands down the side of her head though, and smooth out the tangled strands before returning to my original place.

"What are you doing?"

Quickly, I lean in and press my lips against her forehead, leaving a warm kiss against the pale skin. I feel her hands rest on my waist lightly, and her body shifts closer to me under my touch.

"Just had to do that." I whisper into her hair, and wrap my arms around her neck, pulling us both into a tight hug.

"I love you Zayn." She mumbles into the fabric of my shirt, barely audible if it weren't for the empty room.

I take a deep breath, but only hug tighter while I think of the next two weeks. Two weeks left of this, my unimaginable happiness. Fourteen days left of my heart remaining in my chest, before I have to watch it walk away with the one girl I've come to actually care about.

"I love you too Ella."


"You can't do that though, it's not her fault!" I shouted into the phone, angry more with myself than anyone.

"It's all her bloody fault what do you mean?!" His voice practically drips with venom through the phone but I hold my ground.

"No, because she still has no idea. Therefor, our plan is still on. Just spare her, for me."


"Spare her for the sake of your conscience? I don't think so."

"Earth to Zayn?" Ella waves her hand in front of my face, grabbing my attention once again.

"Sorry love, let's go." I smile wide, and take her hand in mine while I lead her out the door.

"Yes please. I want to make this New Years one to remember." She smirks, and bows her head as she follows me out into the hallway.

All I can think to myself as we walk down the stairs, is how much of a shitty start the beginning of this year will be for her.

THANK YOU for 3.02k reads. I wasn't expecting it to get that far tbh, but it has and I hope it only gets bigger. A girl can dream lol so share it, tell whoever the hell you want about it, I don't care. It'll only make me love you more :)
But anyway, filler. If you don't know already, (pretty sure you do lol) I have a Harry Styles fanfic. You Found Me IS NOT the typical fanfic, so if you appreciate my writing enough, check it out for yourselves :) x

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