Chapter 37

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My eyes flutter a bit, before slowly opening and taking in my surroundings. I can feel my toes and fingers again, and I couldn't be more relieved. I sigh in relief, before finally noticing an arm covered in ink, wrapped around my waist and warm puffs of air blowing on my forehead. Normally I would enjoy the feeling of his touch.

But I can't.

He's lied to me countless times. He lied to my Bestfriend about my whereabouts when I was lying in a hospital bed. He refused to mention he slept with Jade because I was too hungover to remember. And he lashes out at me when he's frustrated, which is suddenly remember why we broke up in the first place.

I shift away from him, but his hold only becomes tighter around my waist.

"Goodmorning." He whispers in my ear, and I scold myself for melting in his morning voice.

"Hi." I mumble, staring at the ceiling.

"What's wrong?" He sits up, and stretches his arms above his head.

"I'm fine."

"Ella, I know you better than that. What's wrong?" He asks again, glancing back at me.

Everything is wrong. I love a man who refuses to tell me the truth about anything, who never fought for me when I broke up with him yet allow him to lay in my bed. He sleeps with women behind my back, and takes advantage of my hangover to never bring up his forgotten mistakes.

Everything, is wrong.

"Zayn, why are we doing this?" I shake my head as I lay against the pillow. "We broke up, and it doesn't ma-"

"We broke up, but that doesn't mean I stopped caring about you love." He furrows his brows, and places his hand on my knee.

"And why would you lie?"

"Lie about what?" He's defensive and on edge, for no apparent reason.

"Lie about me to Eric!"

"Oh my god, that was so long ago." He rolls his eyes, and runs a hand through his hair.

"So even at that time, it was okay to tell my best friend that I was visiting my mothers grave when I was really in the hospital? Do you know how fucked up that is?" Im growing agitated, and a headache begins to form.

"I lied to him because I was jealous, okay? I was jealous of the way he cared about you, and that maybe you would think you cared for him more than me." He confesses, and is out of breath.

"He loves you, I can see it." He pleas, cupping my face and gazing into my eyes.

"What do you see exactly?" I find every word hard to believe at this point.

"He looks at you the same way I look at you." Silence falls between us, and I'm left speechless as his eyes scan my face, searching for mutual feelings.


"Okay, Ms.Rivers! It's time to discharge you, you're free to go. Everything looks well, and healthy so here's the paperwork and you can meet me at the desk after you get changed." She smirks at me, before glaring at Zayn as she walks out.

"Thank you Mary." I kindly nod, as she shuts the door.

The room falls silent, and I can only hear the sound of Zayns breathing, and my own heart beat. I feel his bright brown eyes staring at me, but I refuse to acknowledge him.

We're broken up, and he needs to understand that. No matter how we feel, I need to understand that too.

"I'm going to go change," I sit up, and press my feet on the icy tile floor. He lays against the pillows, and sighs in frustration. Grabbing the clear, plastic bag full of clothes I head to the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

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