Chapter 6

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"No sir, her name is Marie, there must be a mix up"

I look around the room for the source of the voice. Eric is looking around as well, which tells me the voice is unfamiliar to him. I glance towards the door of the classroom, and see his all too familiar face. He's dressed in a rusted leather jacket, black skinny jeans running down his legs and boots to match. I ignore the thought of all the tattoos hidden under those clothes, and try to figure out how he could be here at the perfect time.

"I'm actually here to take her to her appropriate class, student assistant duty." He shrugs, and turns toward me, along with the rest of the class.

"Ok, Marie," Mr.Galled holds his hand out toward Zayn, motioning me to join him.

I stand, and feel pairs of eyes burning into every part of my body as I make my way through the isles. I keep my head down, not daring to face to meet anyone's stares.

As I approach Zayn, Mr.Galled calls after us.

"Zayn, where's her new schedule if this is the case?" He asks suspiciously.

"Oh, right here sir." He pulls a blue folded paper out of his pocket and holds it up for him to see. Mr.Galled nods, and redirects his attention to the class, dismissing us.

Zayn turns and opens the door for me, and I slide past him trying not to make physical contact. He quietly closes the wooden door behind him, and stares at me. A minute of silence goes by and it feels like an eternity, as if I'm waiting for that elevator once again. He tip toes his way over to me, towering over my petite body.

"I mean you're welcome," he breaks the silence between us, loudly, causing me to flinch.

"I want to know how the hell you knew exactly where I was, at the exact time, exactly when that happened!" I hiss, pointing at the classroom door.

"You ask a lot of questions Ellana, a simple thank you would suffice." He says cooly, and I feel every hair on my neck stand up as his breathe blows on my face. I roll my eyes and softly push him away. I have a policy about my space.

"Thank you Zayn," I finally look up, and am greeted with bright brown eyes looking down at me with an emotion I'm unsure of. "So now, tell me how you did that." I shift moods quickly, giving him no room to distract me.

"Did what?" He chuckles, and I gape at him," Ok! If you must know I am a student assistant."


"I saw your schedule in the office and I knew Mr.Galled would have no regard for your personal life when he saw your name on his roll." I process this in my head, and deep down I'm thankful for his quick thinking.

"So, secretly, I switched your class to something else." He grins and holds the blue paper out towards me. I look at it, and almost can't process what I'm reading.


I read the bold letters over and over again, not believing what I'm reading. I hear him chuckle next to me, and I'm slightly annoyed.

"Why would you put me in a class with you?" I snap at him. His smile falls, and frustration is evident on his face.

"Why do you hate me now?" He asks, clearly annoyed.

"I don't hate you, I just want nothing to do with you."

"And why is that?"

"Maybe if I hand you a white towel and leave you alone with two girls tonight you may remember." I retort.

"You've got to be kidding me," he laughs a full hearted laugh, like I did just last night.

"Ella, do you like me?" He smiles, and I restrain myself from smiling as well.

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