Chapter 14

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My blood runs cold at the site of him sitting there. Casually, as if he did absolutely nothing wrong. I'm perturbed, yet processing the situation, my body temperature rises immediately. It infuriates me that he thinks he can terrorize my life, simply by showing up unexpectedly in my room. His genes may be running in my veins, but that doesn't make him a father to me. He holds no right to stalk, and strike fear into my heart every day and night.

"What do you want?" I grit my teeth at him.

"Just stopped by to say hello, you know, since you forgot you had another man in your life." He nods at Zayn behind me, and I stiffen. I completely forgot he was standing behind me, but I don't allow Michaels words to throw me off.

"Last time I checked, I didn't want you in my life, nor do I fucking need you." I spit.

His faces shifts from an evil smirk, to stone cold. His jaw clenchs, along with his fists gripping the edge of the wooden nightstand. He collects himself, and suddenly has an ecstatic smile plastered on his face. I'm completely convinced he's a psychopath.

"Hey, Zayn right?" He smiles wide at the man behind me.

"Yes." Zayns tone causes chills to run down my spine as the vibrations run down my back.

"Nice to see you again mate." Michael quickly walks over, holding his hand out as Zayn shakes it politely. I turn my head at him and shoot him a confused glare, but he refuses to look down at me.

"Yeah I hope you're doing well." His voice is awkward, and uncomfortable.

That makes two of us.

"So, how was your ev-"

"Get the fuck out." I interrupt him, and point at the door. He's trying to play nice, and not one ounce of me trusts him at all.


"Get. The fuck. Out." I hiss, but refuse to meet his icy stare.

A moment of silence passes between all of us, as the door is pushed open. Ashley walks in holding shopping bags on her arms. Her eyes widen at the sight in front of her, and I'm at a loss for words because I don't even know what's happening. Michael studies Ashley, scanning her up and down.

"Ashley right? I remember you always being over our house when Ella was younger." He grins, and my stomach convulses at the thought of my childhood. Or the sliver of good memories that remain.

"Why are you here?" She glares at him. "Ella is he bothering you?" She calls to me.

"No, actually he was just leaving." I finally build up the courage to look him in the eye, and I regret it instantly. His face reads anger, he's absolutely fuming. I can't tell why he would be angry of all things though. Irritated maybe, but not angry. A minute ticks by, each second more painful than the last.

"Okay, if that's the way you want to be. I was just checking in on you." He holds his head up high as he walks to the door.

"Zayn." He nods.

"Mr.Rivers." Zayn kindly responds.

"Oh please, call me Michael." He grins, and I shift uncomfortably. He takes one last look at me, and shuts the door behind him.

"What the hell was that?!" I yell at Zayn. Ashley rubs the back of her neck, and quietly makes her way toward the bathroom giving us privacy.

"What are you talking about?"

"That! You were so kind and inviting to him! May I remind you what he's done to me in the past year?" I fire back, and glare up at him.

"Ella, I was just trying to be respectful. If he were trying to hurt you, it'd be different." His tone is soft, and comforting. Although I can't help the heat that is boiling my blood.

"He already did." I mumble, as I study the gray tethered laces tying my boots.

I feel a hand rest below my chin, and tug my face upwards. I'm met with hazel cinnamon eyes, slightly hidden behind dark eyelashes. I take the time to notice every little thing about him. The way his hair is carelessly styled into a quiff, trails of finger marks left behind. His powerful jawline, so sharp and prominent complimenting his cheekbones.

"You're staring again." He interrupts my thoughts. I push him away, and turn around so he can't see my smile. I hear him chuckling in the background to himself.

"You know, I didn't meant to upset you right?" He stands behind me, as I fumble with my hands awkwardly.

"Yeah, I was hoping." I laugh shakily. He turns me around and wraps his arms around my waist, tightening me in his embrace.

"Are you mad at me?" He looks down, worriedly.

Truth is, I should be mad at him. Because I don't care if he was the fucking president of the United States. If he hurt me throughout my childhood, and taunted me now after murdering my mother, I would expect Zayn to still protect me. Not worry about being respectful and shit. This isn't a normal person I just met, it's a man that will taunt me and subconsciously scar me for the rest of my life.

"No." I lean my head against his chest, and wrap my arms around his waist. He plants a kiss on my head, and rests his chin in its wake. Soaking up the silence, enjoying the feeling it brings among us.

"So tell me about this job you have. That James guy was really weird." I look up at him and feel his body stiffen against me. He searches the room, looking everywhere except down at me as he releases me from his hold.

"Yeah, about that. I work for an underground company. Kind of like the black market. Really secretive though and no one really expects there to be that kind of activity in London." He licks his lips swiftly before looking down at me.

"I don't see why that's so hard to understand." I shrug slightly and smile at him.

"It's actually harder to explain than to understand. But that's the surface and gist of it."

"Well as long as I'm not bailing your ass out of jail, I think I can live with your suspicious activity. Don't involve me though." I playfully frown at him, and release him from my embrace.

"No, if there's one thing I know, I'll never intend to involve you in anything. You're quite important to me." He whispers and presses his lips to my forehead.


"Well if we're being honest, you spending so much time with me will make people link you to anything I do. I can't prevent what they think. But as long as I can help it, you'll never be involved. I won't let anyone hurt you." He bows his head and leans his forehead against mine.

"Soft side of Zayn Malik eh?" I laugh.

He chuckles and nudges me away, tugging his shirt collar. "Don't get used to it love." He smiles widely as he walks toward the door. As he steps outside of the door, I grab his wrist to bring him back to me and hold out his black leather jacket.

"You're kidding right?" He scoffs.

"It's yours!"

"You seriously need to learn the hints to when a guy likes you. This is coming from the actual guy who told you he did like four hours ago." He smiles and pushes the jacket back toward me.

"Keep it, it looks beautiful on you."

I can't bring myself to look at him, due to the heat rising to my cheeks. After I compose myself again, I speak.

"Well thank you, I'll treasure this forever." I remark sarcastically and laugh at his facial expression.

He steps closer and leans toward me as he cups my face in his hands.

"Promise?" His tone shifts to a more serious feeling, and I can't help the butterflies in my stomach.

"Promise." I mumble.

With that, he leans in and presses his soft lips on mine. I rest my hand on his bicep, trying to grip the jacket simultaneously. He runs his tongue over my bottom lip but I pull away, not giving him access.

"Ugh." He groans and leans back.

"Maybe another time." I wink, and he chuckles.

"Definitely next time." He stares at me with such lust and want, that its obvious to me there will be a next time. He turns away and walks down the hall. I shut the door and lean against it, exhaling deeply.

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