Chapter 26

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After an endless, much more enjoyable walk, we arrive at the ice skating rink. Families crowd around outside, laughing and smiling as they prepare to head onto the ice. The trees look beautiful as white Christmas lights hang draped around the branches, and tight around the trunks.

"You can ice skate?" I ask, looking up at him.

"No, but I figured it was the type of shit girls like and I want to have fun with you." He shrugs, and his language throws me off. I shake my head, smiling to myself at his rude language.

"Well thank you." I step up towards him, my face inches away and my breathe creates a thin white cloud between us.

"You're welcome." He comes closer, and gently presses his lips against mine.

He pulls away, much too soon, and I'm left wanting more. The triumphant smirk on his face tells me he knows exactly what I'm thinking.

He takes my hand, and pulls me toward the rental kiosk. The skating rink is outdoors, so I'm thankful I wore warmth clothing, including gloves. Or else I would need to hold Zayns hand all night long. Not that he would actually mind though.

We approach the man, and I feel Zayns posture stiffen as he sees us. The man can't be any younger than twenty, with the blonde hair but brunette roots sitting at his scalp. His bright blue eyes land on mine, and he smiles flirtatiously.

"Hey babe, what can I get for you?" I'd be lying to myself if I said his smile wasn't beautiful.

Zayn steps in before I can speak. "A pair for her and a pair for me." He glances down at me, and whispers "what size are you anyway? Seven?"

"Yes, I am." My voice is slow, as I ponder how he would know that so quickly. My feet aren't too small to assume the perfect size. But I let it slide.

He turns back to the man, handing him cash from his wallet. He returns with two pairs, and I'm excited to watch Zayn ice skate for the first time.

"You're going to skate?" I raise an eyebrow at him, curious.

"I'll attempt. But if I bust my ass, it'll be me in the hospital this time, and you're taking care of me." He pokes my nose with his finger, playfully.

"Got it, okay."

I find it extremely cute the way he tries something he knows damn well he can't do, for me. All for the purpose of me having fun. Maybe to help me let go of the past and all the drama in my life, or maybe to woo me and get lucky later.

I'll consider it.

We sit on a wooden bench, and Zayn has to tie my laces because the tight fit of my pants won't allow me to bend over.

"I noticed they were right, I didn't think they were this tight." He laughs to himself, and he gently pushes my leg off his knee.

"You wear pretty tight clothing yourself sir." I scoff.

"At least I can still bend over in my jeans though." He chuckles, and I can't help but laugh. I'll admit he has a point.

The tall, blonde man walks by and waves at me, as he leaves the skating rink. I assume his shift is over.

"Hey, who's that guy who gave us our skates?" I ask Zayn, watching the man walk away but continues to stare back at me.

"Niall? He's no one, he's goes to school with us though. He's one of the few people I used to be friends with."

Niall. I watch him walk away, and vanish behind the trees lining up the sidewalk. Zayn grasps my hand, catching my attention.

"Why?" He asks, studying my face.

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