Chapter 46

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Ella's POV

"Zayn, that doesn't go there." I sigh, running my hands through my hair.

He's been trying to wrap these lights around the tree for the past thirty minutes but for whatever reason, he can't figure out the system. Either the cord gets tangled in the branches or he loses the cord all together in the mess of ornaments waiting to be put up.

"Please, let me do this." He says calmly, focused on the cords.

I look out the ceiling to floor windows, as the sky grows darker, becoming a threatening shade of gray. Snow continues to fall, and frost forms on the window as the temperature outside continues to plummet. Zayn is too busy cursing to himself over and over, that I take a moment to think back on last year when I could spend Christmas with my whole family. My parents at least.


"Ellana! Come downstairs quick!" My mum yells from downstairs.

I find it painful to get out from under my warm comforters but it's Christmas morning and I'm excited to see what they both got for me this year.

I throw the covers off of me, and slip my feet into my zebra print slippers to protect them from the icy floor.

The stairs creek from my weight but I'm downstairs within minutes to be greeted by my parents smiling widely at me by the tree, both holding hands.

I've never seen two people more in love.

"Good morning guys." I smile at them, and walk up to the tree staring at my gifts.

"Before you open the gifts, I made breakfast for all of us. The thing about that is, I want you to remember this Christmas. Take pictures, videos whatever." She shakes her head, brushing her words off. "So you can open this one gift first."

She places a small box in front of me, wrapped in glittery wrapping paper. I'm quick to rip it off and she laughs at my excitement.

I'm shocked to find a glossy iPhone 5s box in my hands, and turn to see them already smiling at me in excitement awaiting my reaction.

"Are you serious?" I laugh shakily, flipping the box over in my hands repeatedly.


"Dead serious." My mother smirks.

I open the box and turn on the champaign and white iPhone.

"Now you can record, take pictures and relive these memories forever." She walks up to me, and cups my face in her hands gently. Her skin is warm against mine, giving heat to my face and my heart.

"I will, so let's start by taking a picture." They gather in close behind me, each on both sides of me and smile wide as I hold the phone in front of us.

I set the filter to chrome, and layer a text with Merry Christmas in the corner to place it as my wallpaper and keep it forever.


"Babe?" Zayn calls, placing his hand on my bare shoulder and the metal rings on his fingers make me flinch.


"What's wrong? You've been staring out the window in silence for the past five minutes." He asks, and watches me carefully.

It's this very moment that I feel cold tears streaming down my face as I meet his warm hazel eyes. The pad of his thumb wipes away my tears yet he doesn't ask any questions.

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