Chapter 27

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My skates glide across the ice, as I hold Zayns hands guiding him with me across the rink. This moment feels, surreal, fairytale like.

Something almost doesn't fit.

I push the paranoia away, focusing on the romantic date with the man most girls would kill me for just to date. Especially Jade. I laugh to myself, as I imagine how annoyed she must be at the fact that Zayn chose me over her. Then again, I'm not quite sure they ever dated in the first place.
He pulls me close, careful to not let our skates touch so that we trip and fall on top of each other.

"You seem distracted." He whispers in my ear, and chills run down my spine.

"No, I'm just enjoying this moment." I sort of lie, not completely because I am truly enjoying this moment in time.

I'm just afraid of how long it'll last.

"I say," his lips brush against my skin "we get out of here, I want to show you something."

His breath tickles my ear, and I giggle at the weird feeling.

"You're ticklish?" He smiles, amazed by my reaction to him.

"Yeah, now can you stop?" I push against him, trying to get away but he only holds me tighter and laughs at me.

"No, this is perfect!" He laughs wholeheartedly, his tongue pressing against the back of his teeth.

I manage to free myself from his grip, and glide away quickly. He speeds up, soon catching up to me but doesn't attempt to grab me again. He heads toward the exit of the rink, and looks back at me, pointing towards the metal door.


Zayn shivers as the wind presses against his cheeks. The glow of the fluorescent street lights casts on his skin, and I'm able to see the faint pink blush below.

"You're cold?" I ask, pulling out my pink knit beanie of my bag and placing it on my head.

"Well, I got so used to my facial hair keeping me warm that yeah, I'm cold." He laughs shakily, and I feel so bad.

"Although I feel bad for you, that has to be one of the weirdest things you've ever said." I shake my head, laughing at him.

"Weird but very true babe." He shrugs, lacing his fingers with mine. Although my gloves make it hard for him to grasp completely. I remember I also placed my blue beanie in my bag after Zayn left to go do a job, and I pull it out.

"Here, you're miserable." He looks down, and shakes his head, refusing my offer.

"No, it's yours. Plus it's a girl hat." The way his nose wrinkles in disgust humors me,but I insist he takes it.

"If you don't take it, I'll strap it to your forehead with duct tape." Although hollow, my threat makes a difference and he playfully surrenders, taking the hat from my hands. He tucks it in his pocket and shoots me a playful glare.

"I dare you." His smile is wicked, yet manages to take my breath away.

I gather my thoughts, and lunge for his pocket, grabbing onto his tight black jeans. He pushes my hands away, laughing at me but I'm persistent and determined to force that hat on him. I pinch his arm as he wraps it around my waist and he flinches away quickly.

"The fuck!"

"Bloody hell, get over it!" I laugh, continuing to reach for the hat.

After about five minutes over aimlessly fighting while walking down the street, he finally gives in and allows me to reach around him, pulling the hat out of his pocket. It slips out easily, considering how tight his pants actually are. There's no room to breathe and I'm not even sure where he could keep his phone.

I reach up, and bring the hat around his head. He watches me carefully, a glint of admiration in his eyes hidden behind dark eyelashes. The air between us becomes noticeably warmer, and it's hard to keep in mind that we're just on a random street in London. People continue to pass us, some staring as if we're out of place, and some go on about their evening as they blend us in to the crowd of other couples.

The light behind him makes it difficult to see his face, so I slowly slide my hands down his cheeks and rest my palms on his shoulders. He places his hands on my hips, and presses his forehead to mine.

"Thank you, for tonight." He mumbles, and I close my eyes. "And for hearing me out earlier today."

"Like I said, I'd never leave you for something so petty." I shrug carelessly.

His face twists, and I'm not sure how to read it. A mixture of stress, confusion, and anxiety wash over him and all I want to do is make it go away.

"Then, what would you leave me for?"


"We shouldn't even talk about this. Let's go back to campus, my place." I smirk flirtatiously and try to redirect this subject. His eyes are wide in disbelief, as he concentrates on the meaning behind what I'm saying.

"My place." I whisper in his ear, and grab his hand once again.

He remains silent, as I lead him back to campus but stops in his tracks, pulling me with him.

"I have to show you something! And don't worry, it fits perfectly inside that filthy mind of yours love." He chuckles, shaking his head as he leads me away.

The calm before the storm you guys.

The calm before the storm ;)

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