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Chapters of this story are private at the moment, so do everything you need to in order to read private chapters (I don't know how in all honesty). 

Update: This is now public and completed. Have a nice journey ahead.

Skip this bit if you're like me and don't have time for unimportant humans speaking unimportant rationales for unimportant stories with unimpor- I'll stop.

Hi, welcome. I'm impressed that you managed to stumble across this... amalgamation of words and alphabets. I don't really care about who reads it, as long as I can make one person's day slightly better, I'm all for it.

This book, although, may not seem like a lot, it does to me. It's a gift for myself, a gift of commitment and I'm going to see it through to the end. I need to do this or else that annoying voice in my head won't stop reprimanding me about my inadequacy and incompetence to complete a simple book.

Though, saying that, this book is probably more complicated than my end of school English paper. Or English papers, because apparently 1 isn't enough for my people and we need 3 papers. *has terrifying flashbacks*

Treat this as a teaser if you may, each little poem is a description of one of the 5 main characters. Not saying that more won't be added. *wink wink nudge nudge* The focus of the book is "discovery", and there is a reason why for everything I put in. (And depending on how careless I am, there might be nuances that I forget, i.e. Eye colour and names of side characters.) Don't be afraid to ask questions, depending on how spoiler intensive the question is, I may or may not answer and if you really want to know, then I guess you can PM me. But again, don't count on it.

I'm generally a nice person, not many things can offend me, and even if it does I won't say anything about it, because... eh.

Big thanks to Snape75, I won't say she inspired me, but she inspired me (lol) to write something. This started a few months back, and I never knew how much work goes into background information and planning/ developing events and characters until I actually gave enough potatoes to write something.

*~*~* (Character 1)

I was a shadow.

I was born a younger twin.

I was malnourished in the womb, but that's alright. I'm still here.

I always stood behind him, taking care of my brother while he takes care of everything else.

I am the less achieved, less loved of the two, but that's alright. I still love myself.

I... believe everyone deserves to be loved. Because deep down –

I know –

I wasn't loved enough.

*~*~* (Character 2)

I was a shadow.

I enjoy pain. Because when I feel it –

I know it's a step taken for the one person I love.

I protect the one who doesn't protect himself. Standing behind him to scare away the monsters in his heart.

I take the hit for him because he takes my heart in his tiny hands and I know –

I am guaranteed; to be loved.

*~*~* (Character 3)

I am a shadow.

I am one that was never meant to exist, but

I still do.

I see, but was never seen,

I love, but was never loved.

I crave to be cared for.

I wish, that one day; someone would look behind them. And see that –

I am not just a shadow.

*~*~* (Character 4)

I am a shadow.

I am, but a shell for my achievements,

I took away the love my brother had deserved;

I didn't even notice.

I deserve no such thing as love, For –

I had been selfish to the one person that is truly selfless, the one –

I should have loved.

I know the damage is irreversible.

I accepted the consequences, because –

I remember the day my innocence was taken;

I remember it clear as day. Leaving behind a perfect silhouette of what –

I am: a mere shadow.

*~*~* (Character 5)

I am a shadow.

I feel the need to satisfy others; With things...

I possess; things...

I can buy.

I believe everything has a price, a car, a watch, the Sun;

I know that money can't buy feelings; Happiness, forgiveness, love. But none of it matters, for –

I have never felt them. Nor, will

I ever feel them.



"I've seen the scars on his body Robert, you better fucking stop it." A loud, ground shaking shove against the desk rang through the empty classroom. The furious young man seethed through his clenched jaw, "Got it?"

Fear. Perhaps an underhanded method to gain what is righteous in the doer's head.

But every action has its reasons. Right?

No matter how many years of history one may have to go through –

There is always a justification to be heard.

He made his way out, with confident strides, into the empty halls of the university. Displeased with the bruising that he had caused on his knuckles. But it was all worth it, just because it was for –

"Felix! Happy thanksgiving!" The angry tick dropped into a void, perhaps a silent transition of mood, as soon as the cheery voice boomed from the other side of the echoing hallway.

The scowl from the pain burning his knuckles and, more importantly, the pain searing his heart was chased away by the nimble steps his best friend placed against the tiled floor.

"Happy thanksgiving!" The boy repeated his greeting with a big smile, panting softly as he catches his breath. He may be short and skinny, but he has the heart of a saint.

That smile; just like a well timed remedy, took away all the pain in Felix's heart.

For his friend's smile is brighter than the sun itself; the only entity that didn't have a shadow –

Not until something brighter casts their light on him.

"I made us cookies! Look! I made extra for your fat butt!"

And not even the split lip was enough to stop his beaming grin.

Because pain, would inhibit his ability to be thankful.

"You too."

And Felix himself was thankful for the pain. Because without it –

"Happy thanksgiving to you too Skylar."

No one would appreciate his best friend the way he deserves.

Idiosyncrasies of a Shadow // (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now