~Chapter 1~

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I was a shadow.

I was born a younger twin.

I was malnourished in the womb, but that's alright. I'm still here.

I always stood behind him, taking care of my brother while he takes care of everything else.

I am the less achieved, less loved of the two, but that's alright. I still love myself.

I... believe everyone deserves to be loved. Because deep down –

I know –

I wasn't loved enough.


"Stop! Wait a minute – Hold my cup pour some liquor in it!" This song is just jammed in my head; I can't stop singing... or speaking the words. I'm not the best at rapping, you see. "Hey!" The music was slammed off by my grumpy best friend.

"It's too early for this shit Cookie. Get your ass back in bed. Please."

"That would be a dollar." No cursing, especially now that I'm not only interning and going to school but actually a responsible adult and have my degree to teach little kids how to read and write.

"I'm 26 I'm allowed to swear."

"I'm 3 years younger but I'm clearly more responsible –" My face explodes in flames. "Put some clothes on!"

Felix walks across to the swear jar and places his penalty in obediently; the jar where I have expertly decorated with sharpies to make it... extra enticing... to not swear? Clearly I haven't thought that sentence out properly.

He rolls his eyes at me. Ungrateful sloth, I even made him breakfast! I gave him options, pancakes and waffles, honey and maple syrup, brought to him proudly by my home country, Canada. "Cookie. It's been 8 years, and you've at least seen me naked once a day."

True, but that doesn't warrant him the right to be naked around the apartment. Especially now that I'm a responsible adul–

"O-oh! Remember Christopher? The teacher from the physical education department?" An epiphany breaks me from completing my thoughts, Felix hums, confused, while sipping on the orange juice straight from the carton. Gross. "First, use a cup. Second, he bought you a tie! Look!"

I hand Felix the thoughtful gift that I pulled out from my bag. "That's nice of him. Why me though?" He offers me the carton of orange juice. When I shake my head, he sighs and goes to retrieve a cup and pours some out for... hygiene's sake.

"He said it's for always helping the school." I take a sip and place the cup on the counter before hugging Felix. I like hugs, they make me feel happy, so naturally others would like them too, right? Well I wouldn't know because I've only hugged my brother and Felix. They don't seem to hate hugs, so I guess my statement is correct? "Thank you for helping us so much."

His arms come around my waist, "I'm not doing it for them Cookie." He kisses the top of my head and tightens his hold. "I'm doing it for you."

"W-well... Doesn't mean we don't appreciate the help." He chuckles and releases me, after tapping me in the head with his finger.

"Alright. I have to go to the gym." Felix flings my body around and settles me on his back before placing his hands on my thighs to stable me.

"Whoa!" I cling to his neck like a life line. I'm 5"4' so it's weird to see how tall people look at the world. "I thought you had plans for job hunting today."

Idiosyncrasies of a Shadow // (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now