~Chapter 11~

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Is a powerful word,

Capable of twisting the odds against a failing fate;

Or repair the damage to a past mistake.

Sadly, without intent,

"Sorry" is just like any other word. Void of meaning.

But the least you can do to fight for forgiveness,

Is to say "Sorry."

Because words don't make a difference if they aren't spoken.


Something is fishy with Felix, he's been a lot grumpier but not in the bad way, he's just much more irritable when he is home. I thought leaving them alone last week was a good idea but they just seem to be on worse terms now. At least they aren't being aggressive, more just ignoring each other and trying not to be alone for long periods of time. It's strange.

"Is it this way?" Felix pulls me along on his skateboard with a nod, Ryland walking next to him, something that is customary to my travelling with them. We are currently headed to Roman's shop since it's Melissa's birthday and it's a perfect day for skating. We were originally going to ride bikes but it's too cold and I don't have all day because I have to hang out with Aaron later tonight.

"Afternoon Roman." Felix greets as he walks into the store, I hop off and greet everyone, which is really just two people since greeting a random customer would be strange. But I did it anyway, he was a nice man. We skip the formalities quickly after my presentation of a box of cupcakes for Melissa and go straight to slipping on skates.

"When's your date with Aaron?" Ryland asks as Roman brings over a size smaller since I have tiny feet. I can see the amusement in Roman's eyes. Though, I can't say Roman is making a huge effort to making new friends, at least he doesn't hate them, I'd hate to be angry with him. He's such a kind person, giving me free stuff and letting me sit in here when I'm cold on the way home.

"He's picking me up at 7 tonight," I take the skates from Roman, thank him and smile brightly, "he promised that we were going to go bowling and stuff so that's pretty cool." Skates are a pain to put on. The whole thing is harder than my skull, then there are 17 million holes for the laces to go through and then you have to remember how to tie the laces. It's such a long process.

The rest of trying our skates on is silent, save for the curses that Ryland and Felix think I don't hear. Oh well, I'm not that mean, I'll just make Ryland buy me ice cream on the way home. It's cold, but ice cream is timeless. Just like SpongeBob. "H-hey, Skylar. You have a moment?"

I turn around to see a nervous Roman, taller than ever before but I have 2 inches' advantage with my skates on so that's something I can be proud of, even though is isn't my doing. "Sure, what's up? You need a hug? I can give you plenty of hugs!"

My arms go around his mid section, barely wrapping around. I nuzzle his ribs and pull away. "Thanks... But I heard you have a... umm... a date with Aaron." His body language tells me he's uncomfortable. It's strange seeing him like this, the slightly jumpy fingers, twitching eyebrows and tapping foot. If I didn't know better I would call him an angry bull, but he's just a nervous Roman. At least I hope he is, I can't run away with my skates on, I'm barely even standing.

"Do you want a date too? I'm free after work next week." My brows furrow as I start mentally rearranging my schedule to make it fit, it's Christmas soon so school is slightly busier than before, but I can make it work if Roman wants it. However, seeing Roman's stunned expression I can tell that's not what he wants.

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