~Chapter 5~

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I am a shadow.

I feel the need to satisfy others; With things...

I possess; things...

I can buy.

I believe everything has a price, a car, a watch, the Sun;

I know that money can't buy feelings; Happiness, forgiveness, love. But none of it matters, for –

I have never felt them. Nor, will

I ever feel them.


"Good morning Mr. Solomon."

"Good morning sir."

"How is your morning, sir?"

To each, I nod and smile. The importance of my opinion is confined to the office, that is the start and end of that.

I am irrelevant in any aspect but my company.

"Mark, please take me to the opening of the new Knightingale." My CPO nods, looking at me through the rear view mirror.

The one thing I ever saw interest in is business. Making money, giving everyone in my company a job, paying them, providing a living. That is the purpose of my existence inside the company.

I don't have an existence outside the company.

The car pulls up at the new book store. 8:30 am on the dot. My father is close friends with the owner's father, therefore making me a family friend of sorts. I suppose sponsoring them is my obligation.

Because of the request from the owner that I should wear casual attire, I go in with skinny jeans and a jumper. The kid says 'he doesn't do fancy'. Neither do I honestly, but I don't have a choice really.

If I didn't show off my money, I'd be a shell.

But I suppose one day off the grid could be good for relaxation. I say my thanks to Mark and hop out, saying that he could have the day off since I'm going to be stuck in this, quite frankly, rather nice looking book store. Perhaps it won't be terrible.

I wear a smile, a fake one, as I step through the entrance, decorated with balloons and streamers. I spot the owner, speaking to... himself?

Oh. Twins.

The moment I take note of the twins I feel something warm emanating from the store itself. It feels homey and cozy. Cream colored shelves that are arranged expertly for optimal movement and display space, oak plank floor boards with no specific pattern, modern lighting. The hardware is nothing special, but somehow...

There is something special.

"Oh Good morning Mr. Solomon." The twins walk over, the more muscular one speaking first, the two's dress code are completely different. The taller, by quite a bit for twins, is wearing smart casual, dress shirt, skinny jeans; while his brother is wearing a simple hoodie with... cartoon characters, I am hopeless with children's culture.

Their facial features are identical, except one with a polite smile, the other... he must be breaking his jaw with that giant smile. Though I can't help but notice the bruise on his cheek, a small cut covered by... another cartoon bandage.

"Morning Mr. Cook." I shake both their hands.

"Hi! Do you want coffee or tea? I can make hot chocolate! Felix brought them over." He giggles. Who giggles? I guess I have my answer in front of me. The rolling ball of humanoid sunshine that seems to give off heat –

Idiosyncrasies of a Shadow // (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now