~Chapter 6~

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Are they prophetic? Are they reminiscent?


Are they realistic? Are they achievable?


Are none of those,

It is a mere reflection of the mind.

Something it craves, something it has experienced.

But what is the point of dreams;

If you sit impassively;

Waiting for each passing day

Without a smile or a care.


Age 16

"How are your exams coming along Ryland?" Mom asks as she lays a fresh pancake on his plate, they smell great! "Here you go sweetie." A bowl of salad is presented before me. That's right, I should be eating healthy, or else I won't grow tall and strong like Ryland! Silly me.

"Thank you, mom!" I kick my legs under the table, excited to announce that I have this charity event that I have volunteered for, I get to help puppies and kittens, that's great right? "Daddy –"

"It's been alright so far. I got placed in the cabinet for student council." My parents take turns hugging Ryland, he looks so happy, he's such a cool guy.

I lean forward to hug Ryland but I don't get a chance, he starts eating again. Oh well, guess I'll have to give him hugs on the way to school.

Maybe I really need to work harder. I bet my news would be nice for them "I volunteered for a charity –"

"Hey you two better get going, you woke late today, alright? See you tonight." Mom kisses Ryland on the forehead and ruffles my hair.

They don't care about you. No, no, they're just too busy, we all have busy lives.

I rush to get changed and grab my backpack before running down to meet Ryland. He wasn't there. "Where's Rylie?"

"His friends came to pick him up." Daddy said, "Have a good day."

"Okay!" I cheer.

You're not important enough. Well that's true, I'm not smart like Ryland, but I make yummy cookies. Maybe I should make some for him? Congratulatory gift. Sounds like a genius plan Skylar!

I hop down the streets, giggling at my own thoughts.

"Fairy! Watch yourself, might trip over and die!" I look down and around, noticing my laces were undone.

"Thanks Robert!" I wave with a smile.

That wasn't a helping gesture. I might have fallen over though, so I should still thank them. Can't have myself bruised now can I?

I do up my laces, trying to remember the steps with the little jingle. I'm slower than other kids in my grade, but that's fine, I just have to work harder. Just when I finish I hear yelling from a house.

"Get out! I don't need a criminal in my house! Get the fuck out!" The door flings open and a tall crying guy comes out. He had scars all over his arms and his cheek was bleeding. The guy rushes past and runs to a hidden alley where he sits and coughs.

Oh no he's really hurt...

I scramble to get up but fall over. Whoops, guess Robert was right after all. My steps become light as I approach the man. He has a schoolbag but he has a light stubble and looks way older than me. Maybe he's in grade 12?

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