~Chapter 10~

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Change of environment, change of attitude, change of heart;

It's all just a shift of perspective.

Some feelings exist before you even begin to acknowledge it,

But some don't bloom until you change.

And for the two unfit halves of a heart,

Those feelings bloom and manifest amidst the most peculiar dynamics.


"How do I look? Okay? Practical? Is it alright to be wearing this?" Staring into my mirror and around me to find a wide assortment of clothing everywhere, only just noticing how stupid I sound with the echoing of my room when I'm pep talking to myself.

Knock knock.

Oh fuck. I quickly race to the front door, hearing a conversation. "Trust me Jelly Bean. You look great."

"I don't want to step into your brother's house with 14 boxes, a potty mouth and then add on some shit clothes. Maybe I should shower? I just came back from work..." I don't give them time to finish off because I am already hyperventilating. If I keep listening to his invigorating rant I'll either melt or combust on the spot before disappearing from existence.

Perhaps I have a... tiny crush on one of the guys. Should be obvious who. But for clarification to the sickos out there: I'm not into twincest...

"Good afternoon Ryland." Felix flashes a rare smile, a beautiful one at that. It's a notable change in demeanor really, he has always been the kind of person that needs an anchor to function. So for someone that is so incredibly fixed, it must be hard for them to move. Not to mention the sentimental value, much less for a sack of crap such as I. God I'm such a mess.

"Hey Felix." I feel Skylar hug me around my waist, it is barely felt from the fact that I am drilling holes into Felix's face, savoring every second I get to see his smile. "Afternoon Bambi." Sad that his smile has retreated and turned into his permanent scowl. It still looked sexy though.

Maybe I'm taking a giant nose dive into this crush situation, I have only 'reconciled', if you want to call it that, with Skylar and Felix for no more than 3 weeks. Infatuation would be the correct terminology but since when did either humans in front of me take note of this so called ' technical jargon'.

"I'm sad to leave my old apartment, I've lived there for so long with Felix... but now we get to live in this awesome place with two of my favorite people. Instead of one." Skylar hugs me tight before sighing, releasing his hold after a moment. "Sometimes change is nice."

No matter how I decipher his final remark, I can't help but to notice the relief or serenity. He laid it out like it's something he's been waiting for. Perhaps he just wants a change of environment?

We move the boxes into the house, mostly Felix moving boxes, Skylar and I unpacking since Felix said and I quote, "Don't want you fuckers in my way, or bleed a Nile river." I think he just doesn't want Skylar to get hurt though, he is rather clumsy with heavy things. Or clumsy in general.


"I have to buy candy for my herd of children. It's your chance to swear all you want, but don't count on it. I might be back any second." Skylar muses as he put his shoes on, ready to leave the apartment that we had just finished altering. It didn't take much, most the furniture they have are coming over gradually since they still have a while before the month is up. So we did our best to make it look as spacious as possible.

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