Chapter 15

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TIM POV: My eyes burn. I hear a familiar laugh in the background that sends chills up my spine. Someone grabs my arm and flips me over so I'm laying on my back. I try to look around, but the lights are just too bright. 

"Well hey there old friend." I hear the voice say.

"Jack?" I reply

"Thats my name, don't wear it out." He laughs then gives me an abrupt kick in the side. I'm winded and I begin to cough up blood. My arms are scarred and I'm bleeding. Did they drug me and then beat me? 

"Okay princess, this is how this is going to go down okay. We are going to kill you, but not some quick painless death. I think you deserve what you have coming." He walks around me then kicks my other side. I gasp in pain. I must have broken ribs because this is excruiating. He laughs again and then takes a swig of whiskey from a bottle he's carrying around. My eyes have adjusted enough to see everything now. There are atleast 4 other guys in the room. All of them are a hell of a lot bigger than I am. We are in a parking garage on the south side of Nashville. Nobody's going to find me here because it has been shut down for months now. 

"Where's Faith?" I say as I begin to think about her safety. What if they hurt her or hurt the kids. I begin to panic as reality sets in. 

"We left her. We were going to take her but I have a pretty good plan on what to do with her once you're gone. Oh but your kids, they're being monitored as we speak. If you try to pull some getaway crap, they're all dead. You're mom included.".

"You wouldn't." I say feeling my heart beating out of my chest.

"Oh I would. Derek, bring me the photo." Derek, one of Jack's men hands him the picture. Jack shows me the picture, which features Faith, Ma, Gracie, Maggie, and Audrey all at the lake house talking to the police. They're sitting in the kitchen. That bastard must have taken in through the kitchen window. Faith is crying and Ma has her hand on Faith's back. Gracie is holding Audrey while Maggie is standing next to Faith. Tears beging to fall as I lay here defeated.

"If you're going to kill me, then do it. I'm not going to fight Jack." I say. Just then I spot a metal table about 20 feet away from me that is holding all kinds of weapons holding hammers, guns, knifes, and even saws. I prepare myself for what's coming.

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