Chapter 30

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TIM POV: The sun is shining as the kids run around outside. Faith comes up behind me and gives me kiss.

"Hey baby." She says laughing while at the girls. Is this what it's like once you're gone? Am I even gone?

"Hey?" I say. 

"What's wrong with saying hey? Oh Maggie and Audrey want to play some more guitar tonight. They're becoming obsessed." Faith says smiling. She looks gorgeous. She wearing a orange sundress that goes down to her ankles, with her natural blonde hair down. Her eyes still have that glow. "Oh and I was thinking that maybe you could teach me a lesson tonight." She says playfuly, while sitting down next to me on one of our back porch chairs. 

She gives me a kiss and curls up as close as she can to me. 

"Dad, you wanna come play softball with us?" The girls smile. How could I say no?

It's 11, and the girls are all asleep. I come behind Faith and kiss her neck. She turns around and kisses me back. We laugh as we make our way to bed.

I wake up in the middle of the night and hear crying. I look over and Faith isn't there anymore. I look in the kids rooms and their empty too. I walk to the kitchen and spot Faith on the back porch crying.

 "Why can't you just wake up Tim? Just open your eyes for me please. I need you! I'm so scared, and I can't raise the kids by myself!" I hear her scream as I walk outside. 

"Baby, calm down I'm right here." I say, but she doesn't hear me. I don't think she can see me either. 

"Tim! Wake up! Please!" She yells.

"Faith, what's wrong?" I try to scream over her.

"Goddamnit Tim. Please! Wake up! I need you! What happened to forever and always? Huh? Are you just going to give up on me like that? What happened to growing old together? And grandkids? Tim just open your damn eye's please!" She's weeping and screaming at the top of her lungs. 

"Faith snap out of it! I'm right here!" I say shaking her. "Faith. Stop screaming I'm right here." Why can't she hear me? I raise my voice even higher. 

"Faith! Faith answer me!" She's still cursing my name.

"Faith snap out of it! You're scaring me. Faith! Look at me! Why won't you look at me?" I scream.

Suddenly, the first bit of pain that I've felt since I got here slams into me. I collapse as it overcomes me. I shut my eyes.

When I open them I still hear Faith screaming, but my vision is too blurry to see anything. I hear beeps  and see a floresent light. Am I in the hospital? I see a blurry outline of Faith, and I grab her hand. 

She stops screaming. Her jaw drops. My eyes are becoming less blurry, so I can see things clearly now. She's breaking out in hives, tears are flowing down her cheeks like waterfalls, her nose is bright red, and all the makeup that might have been on her, has been washed away. She looks like hell when a doctor comes in.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. McGraw, but its 12. I'm afraid its time to pull the plug." He says.

"He's awake! I swear I'm not crazy, just look!" She says. I try to move to help proove her point, but when I moved my abdomen, the searing pain began.

"Holy hell... Well let me go grab the other doctors then." He says, sounding almost defeated. Faith looks at me and starts crying.

"I don't know what to say." She says, a little embarassed.

"I'm- sorry."  I manage to utter out.

"You have nothing to be-"

"I'm- sorry." I cut her off, because everytime she begins a sentence like that, she ends up blaming it on herself. That's the last thing I want her to do right now.

"I love you." She says smiling through her tears.

"I love you too."

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